Rethinking my media avoidance
Some good thoughts from Patrick. I could be ‘that guy’ since I’m fond of using the phrase “because fuck you that’s why”. But I can reign that in. Some.
Some good thoughts from Patrick. I could be ‘that guy’ since I’m fond of using the phrase “because fuck you that’s why”. But I can reign that in. Some.
Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.
Uncle Pays the Bills
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Find Local
February 5th, 2014 at 9:57 pm
In years past I’ve been local media’s “go-to guy” on non-gun issues, and I did a couple year stint on talk radio on a multi-host home improvement program (we doubled our listeners in 8 months if you understand what that means).
You have to learn to think in sound bites because, first, that’s what the media has time for, second that’s what people want (because they’ve been “trained” by the media to expect sound bites).
I don’t think our situation lends itself to sound bites, and – slowly, very slowly – the general population is coming to understand the media is in the pocket of the liberals and, day by day, is less trustworthy. That said, the media still command substantial public interest, and I think the solution is between Patrick’s and Lyle’s.
If the media – and the media is without a doubt the enemy because they work for them – want “the opposing view” they have to come to us. So, either they get it, or they have to go without it. Their readers and viewers will notice a little bit of our message much better than they will notice the lack of it. The trick is to manage what our message is, and not everyone has that skill. Knowing what goes bang and how it goes bang is useless, what counts is being able to present “bang” as a positive in 20 seconds; that is all that matters. If you can’t do that – and it DOES require training and experience – stay away from it.
Which leads to development of cogent, articulate, photogenic spokespersons. Find one locally and work with them to improve their interview skills. Toastmasters is a great resource, especially the “table talk” portion. Technical expertise doesn’t mean s**t, what counts is how well you come across. That means practice, practice, practice at delivering the message (first, know what the message is….). Assuming you have the basic skills to do it, and trust me on this, not very many people have those skills. They can be developed, however, but not in the few minutes between “can I come over and talk” and the camera crew showing up.
February 6th, 2014 at 3:15 pm
I’m reminded of Sean Sorrentino.
He’s got the knack for generating good sound-bytes, and he spent years bugging local and State level politicians and news people.
To the point that when an anti-gun event showed up in his backyard, and he showed up, he was recognized by the anti-gunners. And by the press.
And he got his message out.
Not everyone has the patience, and media-handling skill, to carry that task well.
If you don’t want to do it, keep responding to the press as you have.
If you want to change, and think you can carry it off, I’d seek advice and practice. (Advice from guys like Sean and Patrick, and practice as Anon above mentions.)