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In militarized police news

A third amendment case: Homeowner says SWAT came in her home without permission

Towns Say ‘No Tanks’ to Militarized Police

3 Responses to “In militarized police news”

  1. UNHchabo Says:

    Here’s a copy of the WSJ article with no paywall:–towns-say-no-tanks-to-militarized-police

  2. comatus Says:

    Used to be, stuff like Weasels and M-113’s went to private military vehicle collectors, who kept them up at their own expense and would always make them available, often with driver, on a sheriff’s-posse basis for a public emergency.

    So the first thing you notice here is a major policy change at significant cost to taxpayers. It’s a Brecht-down of faith in the people by government.

  3. mikee Says:

    Good city governments realize that once you are given the vehicle, you have to pay for its gas, oil changes, tires, etc., not to mention putting a roof over it and paying for drivers and insurance.

    It isn’t quite a situation of “give a mouse a cookie.”
    It isn’t quite paying Danegeld and still having the Danes around.

    I guess it is pretty much like the corn mill owner who bought an elephant from the traveling circus to solve his mouse problem.

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