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A week ago, we were redneck snow skiing. Today, it’s 74 degrees outside at night.

5 Responses to “Weather”

  1. wizardpc Says:

    with Tornadoes on the way. Jim Cantore is here in Nashville which is never a good sign.

  2. nk Says:

    Aw, you poor things. Turn up the heat and use an extra blanket, and be strong.

  3. JKB Says:

    Yeah, last week the fields were just lumpy snow, today I had to cut them so I have lumpy piles of broom sedge. Just unused pasture, I let the broom sedge grow up for winter interest. Did find I have extra work in the back field. The snow was not kind to the Loblollies. A luck would have it, the Virginia pines didn’t even break a pine cone. Dang it.

  4. Josh Says:

    It hit almost 42 here yesterday, which melted the snow, then we got another storm that froze everything that melted, and school got cancelled.

    F–king kids have been home more than they’ve been at school. We will go batshit crazy if we have another snow day.

  5. cspradlin Says:

    I drove all the way to DC just after the “blizzard” gave out. I didn’t have any problems. Lots of other people did, namely on I-89N (the entire northbound side was COMPLETELY CLOSED for “storm clearance procedures” for about 13 miles, though the entire time I was driving there was only a smattering of ice, all visible. Spent 4 hours and quite a lot of gas sitting there) Maybe I’m just jaded form having to drive in arctic conditions for the last four winters. Ice isn’t scary after you drive on it for about six months out of a year.

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