Archive for February, 2014

February 11, 2014

Obama continues to ignore law named after him

So, Obamacare has been delayed. Again. For political reasons. This time, it won’t go into effect until Obama is no longer in office. They have elections to win, you see. And this law is not helpful for that end. So, once again, Obama is doing his impression of a dictator in a banana republic in which laws don’t matter. Also, this:

Treasury officials said Monday that businesses will be told to “certify” that they are not shedding full-time workers simply to avoid the mandate. Officials said employers will be told to sign a “self-attestation” on their tax forms affirming this, under penalty of perjury.

Let that sink in. Attest to this under threat of perjury.

Exactly what we need

An informed, angry public.

Right wing terrorists

The Ohio National Guard did a training exercise that featured second amendment and anti-government types as terrorists. It amuses me some. But if we anti-government, pro second amendment types were as violent as democrats, the government, and the media (but I repeat myself) said we were, a lot of American cities would resemble downtown Fallujah from a few years back.

Smaller and smaller

Acceptable ammo seems to be getting smaller.

Like Tennessee’s first gun control laws

Florida’s were also racist.

Score for the Institute for Justice

Court strikes down IRS regulation of tax return preparers

It does explain a lot

Potential abuse of executive power exists in NSA spying

Gun Porn


Take down AR-15 chambered in 7.62

February 10, 2014

A new 9mm round for the FBI that matches the ballistics of a 45

In addressing the 9mm Takeover led by the internet, Dave Spaulding says he talked to someone at the FBI:

Is it true the FBI has found a 9mm cartridge that “matches the wound ballistics of the .45”? My friend told me they are “very encouraged” by the load they are currently testing in 9mm, but all he would tell me is it is a non-traditional bullet weight and configuration traveling at a non-traditional velocity in order to achieve this performance.

Interesting. Though they’re not the far off in terms of ballistics in the way people try to measure that stuff.

Of course, Dave also said in the linked piece: over half of what is printed on the internet is complete and utter bullshit.

So, maybe it’s some of the R.I.P. ammo I’ve been reading about?

Man sentenced to 30 years for slaying of border agent Brian Terry

My first thought was “Holder is in jail?” and then realized that, no, it’s the guy the administration gave the gun to.

Such doge

Fred was a police dog but he was fired for being lazy and easily distracted. Happily, he’s off to start his new job. As a cat.

Smith and Wesson and sales to Cali

We know that they (and Ruger) will no longer sell their pistols there due to the stupid microstamping law. But, will they sell them to CA police?

I wouldn’t read too much into their lack of a response just yet. I’m sure the legal team had a say in why not to sell to the public there. This issue is more a marketing/PR one. I’d give them a bit before I go blasting them.

Like you and me, only better

Illegally and intentionally modify your weapon so that it becomes an NFA weapon and you’re a police officer: It’s OK. Just change it back and fill out the paperwork next time:

A former state Department of Justice drug agent accused his colleagues last year of illegally modifying their state-issued rifles, according to emails the agency released Thursday.

The Associated Press obtained the emails through an open records request for materials related to former Division of Criminal Investigation Special Agent Dan Bethards. DOJ fired Bethards in October after he accused his supervisor of weapons violations.

Bethards wrote in a January 2013 email to DCI Administrator Dave Matthews that multiple agents were shortening the barrels on their state-issued and personal rifles without registering the modifications with the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Bethards didn’t name any agents but alleged multiple agents were guilty of federal felonies.

DOJ spokeswoman Dana Brueck said the ATF investigated the allegations and determined one weapon had been improperly modified. The gun was reconfigured to conform with ATF regulations and no one was disciplined, she said.

Illegally and intentionally modify your weapon so that it becomes an NFA weapon and you’re NOT a police officer: You’re going to jail.

Well, you don’t see that every day

Man walking down the street dressed as a banana and carrying an AK. Unsurprisingly, he was detained by the police.

Substation attack

What was the goal?

Where Great Britain Used To Be

A complete work stoppage because someone found a long discarded round of ammunition.

Competition v. the street

Yeah, I’ve noticed before that my carry guns can’t actually be used as is in a sport that supposedly emphasized carry of guns. Meanwhile, the idea that competition will get you killed is way silly.

Winning: NRA membership and magazines

American Rifleman sales up near 30% and I’m guessing membership about the same. Makes top 25 magazines!

The Iranian “fleet”

I guess I’d be scared if I saw it on Douglas Lake but that’s about it.

15% of Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun mayors leave

I’m surprised the number is that low. Heck, I’ve had a running total for a while.

Everybody has a SWAT team

USPS looking to buy some ammo

In militarized police news

A third amendment case: Homeowner says SWAT came in her home without permission

Towns Say ‘No Tanks’ to Militarized Police

Having solved all other problems in the state

TN legislator looks to pass a bill inviting Sean Hannity to move here.

NY legal AR-15

It’s ugly. As ugly as CA legal ARs.


New shirt from the NRA

But 9mm sucks

Goes through a car door and then 15-16 inches of soft tissue damage.

Gun Porn


Belt-Fed Johnson LMGs

Family of Rugers

February 09, 2014

For the children, ban all the things



Mattress of the hearth

Remember, size mattress? Or nothing really mattress. Well, we finally got that fixed, now with more mattress and worse pun:


More like this

So, the police went and did a no knock warrant on a guy growing marijuana. The man thought them to be burglars and shot and killed an officer. Ordinarily, this would be straight to prison and first degree murder. But not this time:

A Central Texas man who shot and killed a sheriff’s deputy entering his home will not be charged with capital murder, attorneys said Thursday.

A local grand jury declined Wednesday to indict Henry Goedrich Magee for the Dec. 19 death of Burleson County Sgt. Adam Sowders, who was part of a group of investigators executing a search warrant for Magee’s rural home.

Sowders and other officers entered the home about 90 miles northwest of Houston without knocking just before 6 a.m. Authorities were looking for guns and marijuana.

Magee’s attorney, Dick DeGuerin, said his client thought he was being burglarized, reached for a gun and opened fire.

Now, the guy is getting a felony rap for growing weed while possessing a weapon. A victimless felony to be sure. But the capital murder charge being dropped is good news.

If this happens more, maybe no knock raids will happen less.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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