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Off body carry

If you are carrying off body in a “gun bag” WHY would you carry a small gun?

3 Responses to “Off body carry”

  1. snowdog Says:

    My wife does that-but a small gun is pretty much all that she can use due to her tiny hands. She usually sticks her P238 in a pocket holster though, the bag is when she can’t wear jeans and has to carry a ‘girly bag’ as she calls her purse.

  2. Roberta X Says:

    Small purse, is why. Most days, I go directly from home to a non-permissive environment.

  3. FormerFlyer Says:

    Because heavy guns make off-body carry obvious by the heft of the off-body package. When I was forced into off-body cary years ago I carried a Charter Arms Bulldog, about 23 oz. loaded, and small enough to not be obviously a great big hunk of metal when I would set down my “day planner”.

    Today, when forced into off-body carry, I carry my scandium S&W .357 J frame. Even lighter. I had a police officer associate once “accidently bump”, and then (after asking me) pick up my Tablet Computer case, heft it up and down a couple times, and declare that he was surprised I didn’t have a gun in it, given my license and personality. He was very surprised when I told him he was wrong. He was flabbergasted when I showed him.

    That’s why I carry a small gun off-body. YMMV. Void where taxed, licensed, regulated or prohibited. Not Valid in Portugal, Senegal or San Diego. Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.


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