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The press at work

The AP headline: 16th-century artillery manual shows illustration of ‘rocket cat’ weaponry

Which is not at all what the picture shows.

3 Responses to “The press at work”

  1. SD3 Says:

    Don’t piss off rocket cat, dude. Mmm-srsly.

  2. Sigivald Says:

    In their defense, it does look like a rocket cat.

    Yes, it’s a cat with an incendiary non-rocket device, per the text, but it does look like a conventional rendering of a rocket.

  3. mikee Says:

    I have it from reputable authority that in the mid 1950s the Cadets at Texas A&M would use stray cats, half or quarter sticks of dynamite, and their colleagues’ veterinary skills to place non-defusable time-bomb-cats in the bathrooms and hallways of other Cadet dorms. Since the explosive was surgically implanted and the fuses were short and fast, the only successful action when faced with a smoking cat in your dorm was immediate retreat, followed by return at a later time with buckets of water and mops.

    So the tradition of “rocket cats,” if one can call them that, survived until at least fairly recent times.

    The cats, OTOH, did not survive.

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