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Gun Porn

Finished? Hobby guns are never finished!

Carry Gun.

Yo dawg, I heard you liked Glocks . . . I don’t even.

6 Responses to “Gun Porn”

  1. Tam Says:

    re #3: What is this I don’t even

  2. Siergen Says:

    You like glocks?

  3. Beaumont Says:

    Yo dawg, I put a Glock on your Glock so you can Glock while you Glock

  4. Rivrdog Says:

    Expensive way to do a New Yowk reload…could also do a Mec-Tec and have a second Glock on the hip. Also a Kel-Tec SubRifle 2000 and a hip-Glock (my equipment).

  5. mikee Says:

    Can you bolt together 2 of these Never Ending Double Guns side by side and have a 4 Glock setup? 72 rounds of 9mm goodness in one extra-bulky, 4 trigger setup!

    How many can be connected together before the assemblage becomes unusable? 3, 4, 5? Can it be mounted on a motorcycle or a car hood?

    Someone with a gun blog (hint, hint) needs to test this NOW!

  6. Linoge Says:

    So according to, they needed to have their “private investor” backing at 100% by 04JUL13.

    Given we are coming up a year past that date, I am starting to doubt this thing will become real. Which may not be a bad thing.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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