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At 12:01, I’m likely a lawbreaker

So, not signing up for Obamacare. I might be in trouble.

21 Responses to “At 12:01, I’m likely a lawbreaker”

  1. Rick R Says:

    Don’t feel alone. I’m not either.

  2. Wes S. Says:

    Given that I’m currently unemployed, I couldn’t afford Obama’s (national) socialized medicine even if I were inclined to enroll.

    Screw ’em.

  3. BGMiller Says:


  4. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    We the civilly disobedient. Wait, didn’t they delay it to the middle of the month, or was that something else?

  5. Matt Says:

    We should start a club!

  6. FiftycalTX Says:

    Wow. Now I know a FELON! Is there a bounty out on you? You gonna get a corner bunk at the re-edukation kamp?

  7. joe in houston Says:

    Haven’t. Won’t. #getcovered? no. #getbent

  8. Paul Kisling Says:

    Amazing how many of the Obamites thought people would comply.

    I simply don’t care, and if I did care; I probably would not care.

  9. HL Says:

    Dont worry, if they ask, you just have to say you tried to sign up…in fact, you may only have had to try to try. Failing that, you can just donate to the DNC.

  10. Crawler Says:

    I was taught the evils and shortcomings of Marxism many years ago.

    If asked why didn’t I sign up for Marx-Obamacare, I’ll just tell ’em Hairy Reid was right: I’m too stupid to know how the internet works.

  11. Kristophr Says:

    Hey … Cover California has been filling out new Democratic Party voter’s reg cards for new sign-ups. A Republican couple in CA just got their new reg cards today.

  12. tincankilla Says:

    So wait, you’re completely uninsured? I mean, I don’t even qualify for Obamacare thanks to my income, but I still have insurance…

  13. comatus Says:

    So, felons lose the right to own weapons, and to vote? Now there is a political plan to avoid repeal: simply disarm and disenfranchise the opposition. Sign here.

  14. Standard Mischief Says:

    It looks like there are a bunch of ways to legally avoid the Obamacare tax.

    The cheapest legal way may be just forgetting to pay your electric bill until you get a shutoff notice in the mail.

  15. The Jack Says:

    Don’t forget that the fun part of how compliance is enforced.

    Don’t have “qualifying” insurance? Well that just means your income tax goes higher.

    Don’t fill that out on your 1040 and don’t pay it? Welp, that’s tax fraud.

    Gotta love a law that sees the IRS as the ideal bully-boys to force people to pay up.

  16. Cargosquid Says:

    I would love to join you guys…but the VA qualifies. So, I’m automatically “covered.”

  17. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    Oh, I can show them all kinds of disconnect notices, just because I’m absent-minded paying monthly bills. I’ll have to keep a couple of them.

  18. JKB Says:

    Not complying with Obamacare doesn’t make you a felon. It makes you an enemy of the State.

  19. mikee Says:

    I have insurance, apparently O-care compatible, through my wife.

    One more in a long long list of reasons I am glad she married me. i can ignore that whole cluster f***.

    But now my desire to be a rebel needs an outlet.

    Suggestions welcome.

  20. CarlS Says:

    Well, no, you’re not a law breaker. Or at least, not that one. It contains provisions for those who do not wish to comply to pay penalties instead. Q.E.D.; so long as you pay the penaltaxes, you’re actually complying with the law . . .

  21. Guess Says:

    Obama care is voluntary:

    42 U.S. Code § 18115 – Freedom not to participate in Federal health insurance programs
    No individual, company, business, nonprofit entity, or health insurance issuer offering group or individual health insurance coverage shall be required to participate in any Federal health insurance program created under this Act (or any amendments made by this Act), or in any Federal health insurance program expanded by this Act (or any such amendments), and there shall be no penalty or fine imposed upon any such issuer for choosing not to participate in such programs.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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