I have carried all manner of different guns. Different sizes, different methods. And I’ve written about most of them.
I’ve changed methods because dressing for work changed. I’ve changed because something neat struck my fancy. I’ve changed because I realized that a 45 isn’t that much better than a 9mm. I’ve changed because I realized Wow, this is a really stupid way to carry a gun. And I’ve changed because I fucking can.
So, this is what I think will be the last method since it just works for me now. I had been carrying the M&P9C for a while. Finally settled on a Raven Concealment rig for it. Happily, I carried it for a while now. Then, one day, I said to myself Self, why are you carrying that compact? Try the fullsize.
So, I holstered up the M&P9 and switched the holster from OWB loops to IWB loops and I haven’t looked back. It’s not noticeably bigger and doesn’t weight much more. And I get a longer sight radius, better fit for my hand and 5 more rounds per magazine.
Every day, I carry a full size gun with a light and a laser on it and it’s not a problem. Here’s the rig:
So, if anyone wants a M&PC in 9mm with an Apex trigger system and RAM in it (plus a couple holsters), I’ll make a deal. Or trade it for another fullsize.