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6 guns you have to own

A list. I note its lack of a modern defensive pistol.

9 Responses to “6 guns you have to own”

  1. Justin B Says:

    I own 4 of the 6 just need a muzzleloader and Mauser. I would like a Springfield 03 before I get the Mauser. I like 30-06 round.

  2. oldgeezer Says:

    Do doubles (or triples) earn you extra credit?

  3. Mike M. Says:

    They can keep the Vaquero, and I consider the 1911 a bit overrated.

  4. Caleb Says:

    A more accurate title would have been “6 guns you have to own in addition to your serious working guns.”

  5. Critter Says:

    Muzzle loaders, and Vaqueros, and Mausers! Oh, my! 🙂

  6. HL Says:

    I simply could not get by without my SCAR 17.

  7. divemedic Says:

    You too can own a Colt Series 70, a pistol that will cost you three times as much as a pistol that doesn’t require hundreds of dollars of professional gunsmithing service to work properly as a defensive pistol.

  8. Mu Says:

    Of all the Mausers, in all the towns, in all the world, he picks a Yugo.

  9. chris Says:

    I own 5 of them, although my 8mm Mauser is not a Yugo cheapie.

    But I do need a new muzzleloader (for the deer on our farm).

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