Archive for April, 2014

April 20, 2014

Hillary Clinton’s Legacy

The Paper of (Making Up The) record: Hillary Clinton Struggles to Define a Legacy in Progress

She has no legacy. Everything she’s done, except getting preferential treatment from the Democrat establishment, was a failure.

Hillarycare ended in failure.

She did have a successful senate run. But there are no Clinton-Something, Something-Clinton bills that anyone cares about that I can find. She voted party line and that’s that.

She ran for president. And failed.

She was secretary of state. And an ambassador on her watch was ass raped and murdered. Russia just took some tanks into Ukraine. Status quo in Pakistan. Afghan surge. It goes on.

She’s failed at every public job she’s had. Why in the fuck is she not just a footnote of history as Bill Clinton’s wife instead of someone whose name we still know 22 later?

April 17, 2014

Appendix Carry: What say you?

In the 1990s, when I first started going heeled, there was not a lot of info out there. The concealed carry market was smaller and most shooting rags focused on carry for police and not armed citizens. I wasn’t police. So, I was not about to strap on a duty belt and try to cover it with a parka. I did learn from my dad to get a good holster, so I never really went through that cheap holster phase. As an aside, one thing people don’t think about when buying a new gun is accessories. And one should really buy a quality holster. So, I had a damn fine gun and a decent holster (it was similar to this but without the thumb strap). Well, I strapped it up appendix style because it was convenient; fit my style of dress; was very concealable; and I could manipulate it well.

Then, the internet happened. And I learned that going appendix style was stupid because you could shoot your femoral artery or blow your dick off. I was concerned mostly about blowing my dick off.

Well, apparently appendix carry is a thing again, even among people I actually whose gun advice I take seriously.. There are quite a few pros to this method:

  • Control and retention
  • Faster draw
  • Comfort
  • And a few more that apply only to the tacticoolest operatingest war fighters, such as better CQB something or another.

    But, I’m still worried about the whole blowing your dick off thing, which they say is mitigated by paying attention and doing the uncool thing of looking at your holster before reholstering. But on the draw, when your muscles constrict, this doesn’t seem helpful. Because you’re probably going to be focused on the thing you are about to put holes in. So, blowing your dick off or capping a major artery would make you pretty useless in a gun fight.

    What do you think?

    Bad Dog Owners and Collateral Damage

    Yes, this pit bull should die. Because it had ban owners. The bad owners are responsible for the dog’s eventual death and the mauling of a child. But the dog is a lost cause. Period. Bad owners make bad dogs. And we can’t euthanize bad owners. If you’re going to have a large breed dog, you need to treat it like it can be dangerous. Because it fucking is. And you need to know to restrain them, watch them, and remember that they’re dogs. Dogs are killers. Without a steady supply of kibble, socialization and love, they’ll rip a throat out and kill.

    I’m currently going through collateral damage of a bad dog owner. Yippie dog in the street runs up to my dog. My dog reacts in protective mode. Grabs yippie dog by the neck and thrashes it about. Somehow, I’m told I should pick up the vet tab because someone else was letting their dog run loose.

    At least this guy knows he can’t handle a dog and shouldn’t own one. They take work and work is hard. As the owner in this case illustrate.

    April 16, 2014

    The gun fight was over on the first day of session

    Campfield on the death of TN’s pro gun bills

    Shooting one handed

    Words of wisdom from Matthew:

    The truth is you do not “need” two hands on the pistol. You do not. Does it help? Absolutely. But, what you “need” more than anything else is to control the entire situation, and when there are folks with you this means you have to gain control of both them and the bad guy.

    If you don’t read his blog, you really should.

    Speaking of SAFE

    Sloppy lawsuits make sloppy case law

    In CT

    Man shoots squirrel. Police take his unregistered weapons and magazines, which were not used in the shooting. Exactly what part of shooting a squirrel lead to a search of his residence?

    Bloomberg on gun control: I’ve already spent millions so I’ll spend $50M more!

    He’s going to form a group to challenge NRA, which won’t work because NRA actually has members and grassroots and he doesn’t.


    The antigun movement is now and always has been a small number of professional politicians and activists hiding behind an astroturf facade.

    And please donate to the billionaire.

    Why are anti-gun activists so violent?

    Sheriff George David was caught racking a gun in an office where some people he had been threatening were present. Make of it what you will, but I figure it was likely another threat.

    Turns out, he likes to take people’s carry permits in violation of the law as well.

    And the media bias of party affiliation is shocking.

    What could possibly go wrong?

    The “vigilantes” in Mexico have a deadline to register their guns and join the “rural defense corps”

    Only the police should have guns

    During the shoot out with the Boston bombing suspects, a lot of police were shot. By other police.

    Open carry: doing it wrong

    Tam notes a few things about an OC pic that has the British press clutching its pearls. Meanwhile, where do I get me some Extreme Shock Fang Faced Anti Terrorist rounds?

    How’s that SAFE law working out?

    Shootings in NYC up. Warm weather and all.

    My shocked face

    Turns out, Lois Lerner contacted DOJ about prosecuting those she was persecuting:

    The IRS emails show Eric Holder’s Department of Justice is now implicated and conflicted in the IRS scandal. No wonder we had to sue in federal court to get these documents.

    Gun Porn

    Remington’s ACR-PDW

    April 15, 2014

    Ankle bracelet tracking

    So, two men raped and murdered 4 women all while wearing the tracking devices. Oh and it was 6 months later that they were arrested. So, why bother with the bracelets? It;s a preventative tool, right?

    The Dark Side of Training

    Or, you know, the kind of stupid side:

    Gun bills go down in TN

    The house finance subcommittee voted the open carry without a permit bill overwhelmingly. Also, they’re not allowing it to go the floor because it’s an election year and they don’t want those votes counting on NRA endorsements.

    And the House Finance, Ways and Means Subcommittee chairman killed the park carry bill, which would have removed the exemption for preemption of gun laws in parks. NRA asks you to get on the phone and call Chairman Mike Harrison.

    A few reps are going to learn a lesson soon: Dance with who brung ya.

    If the weather is warm

    People in Chicago are killing each other. And the police chief says it’s due to lax gun laws. Uhm, you’re in Chicago. There are no lax laws.

    Reliable carry guns for under 3 bills

    Chris runs down the new and used.


    The plant is a public nuisance. And Ogre reviews the Texas Pete version.

    Shorter is better

    Well, only for storage.

    Bob Boyd:

    Why bother with the long, drawn out and expensive process of submitting an application to register a short-barreled AR when installing a Law Tactical Gen 2 AR Folding Stock Adapter provides quick and nonrestricted means to shorten the size of your rifle by nearly a third?

    Because I want to shoulder it?

    There and back again

    ATF Gun Running: Fast and furious guns found in El Paso and Columbus.

    Tell me about it

    Why I Don’t Start Planting a Garden Until May. Planted mine this past weekend and tonight, it’s going to be a hard freeze.

    5 Terrible Guns You Should Never Buy

    A list. The Judge is a horrible gun for defense but I’ve known a few folks who use them to hunt rabbits.

    On tax day

    Where your money goes.

    The 9mm Automatic

    A better 9mm cartridge. Apparently, it’s not a tapered round and that prevents nosedives. I was unaware that that problem occurred with significant regularity.

    Gun Porn

    Buy a gun day stuff!

    Reproduction Gerat 06 Rifles


    April 14, 2014

    The narrative

    Whenever there’s a mass shooting, the media gets its panties in a twist and tries to tie it to the tea party or Sarah Palin. But when it’s a Democrat with ties to the KKK, such mention only goes in paragraph 11.

    Media Matters was quick to blame it on “right wingers“. And that’s stupid. But the shooter cited Media Matters. And spouts the same kind of anti-neo-con claptrap one would see at Daily Kos. It’s stupid to blame Media Matters but, unlike the tea party mass shooters that seem to never happen and the press speculates exist, the press isn’t mentioning the whole democrat thing.

    “I’m tax exempt”

    Apparently, because he’s a criminal with an NFA weapon. Oh, no. Wrong kind of exempt. Odds of it being an actual sub gun are about zero.

    Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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