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In Indy

There’s some sort of racing event tomorrow. Never been and never followed the sport. Should be fun. On the way here, an odd thing happened. I drove badly in Ohio, which is the opposite of what usually happens.

19 Responses to “In Indy”

  1. Huck Says:

    Have fun Unc!

    I’ve never followed racing much either. Watching cars drive around, and around, and around, in a circle tends to make me dizzy. 🙂

  2. Old NFO Says:

    Hope you brought your ear plugs! And sunscreen!!! 🙂

  3. Bubblehead Les Says:

    So the last good driver in Ohio finally bit the dust.

  4. Rob K Says:

    You might consider on your way home taking I-65 to I-64 in Louisville and across to I-75 in Lexington. It’s about the same distance as going by Cincinnati, but the road is better. And that way you can stop at the Liquor Barn at Hurstborn ( which is a bourbon wonderland.

  5. nk Says:

    Indy racing is in a class by itself. I used to love it for the technology.

  6. Robb Says:

    Yeah, I can hardly wait til the start of the race. GO Raikonnen!

  7. Robb Says:

    Oh wait, you mean there’s another race going on? Besides Formula 1 at Monaco? You’re kidding, right?

  8. Any A. Mouse Says:

    There is much more to racing than the round and round the oval kind. There is the road track kind, the straight for a quarter mile kind, the true road course kind (like rally), and the more or less cross country kind (like Baja and Dakar).

    It’s all good.

    Three major races today: F1, Indy, and NASCAR. Many more minor events all over the globe, including Rally.

  9. comatus Says:

    Aren’t we the snooty ones, though. All experts, too.

    Stand in the infield of turn 1 at a dirt track mile and tell me American race cars don’t turn right. What’s that you say, you’ve never been to a dirt track mile? Hmmm.

  10. snoopycomputer Says:

    I’m betting everything on Sabulba! Sabulba always wins!

  11. nk Says:


  12. Linoge Says:

    I am ashamed to know it is spelled “Sebulba”.

  13. topofthechain Says:

    I can’t for the life of me, understand why everyone get’s so excited about that restricted regional on 16th st. every year.

  14. Paul Kisling Says:

    I miss Group B.

  15. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    Lived here all my life, been to “carburetion” day once, seen the museum a couple of times, never went to the race.

  16. Austrian Anarchy Says:

    Wow, you are going the wrong way to get to Charlotte, NC.

  17. Spud Says:

    My wifes father ( The late great Ted Horn ) is in the Indy Hall of Fame. So the race is kind of an institution around our house.
    Myself, I was watching a replay on the Net of the opening of Pro Moto Cross at Glen Helen. Being a retired racer of the two wheelers…

  18. Chris Says:

    I spent the weekend, as we do every Memorial Day, at Charlotte Motor Speedway with close friends.

    If I wasn’t there, I would be at Indy.

    I got interested in racing the same time I did guns, thanks to my father.

  19. snoopycomputer Says:

    Linoge, Fret Not! I was too lazy to look it up. Otherwise, I would have. Then there’d be 2 of us that know.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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