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Mass murderers agree: Guns stop mass murderers

From the killer’s “manifesto“:

He would also avoid Deltopia, a spring break celebration that draws thousands of young people to party in Isla Vista in early April. “I saw that there were way too many cops walking around on such an event. It would be impossible to kill enough of my enemies before being dispatched by those damnable cops,” he wrote.

7 Responses to “Mass murderers agree: Guns stop mass murderers”

  1. Weer'd Beard Says:

    As soon as wannabe spree shooters (or stabbers in this case, like Columbine, it appears the guns were just a fall back once all his carefully laid plans fell apart, the Columbine kids planned a school bombing, when the bombs didn’t blow they fell back on the guns) Start factoring anybody over 21 potentially packing a gun, they’ll decide to do other things.

    It doesn’t even boil down to CCW holders returning fire, these events are planned, and the plans include the amount of time they will have before somebody with a gun shows up and they stick their gun in their mouth.

  2. RAH Says:

    I went to the link and this guy was so self centered and me,me,me that he really deserved to die. Though I really laughed went he got his leg broken trying to shove girls off a ledge and he fell himself.
    Shame he did not run into a CCW holder before he killed so many. But the cops did react fast and did stop him soon.
    He is the end point of liberal narcissistic attitudes.They reaped what they sowed.

  3. Chas Says:

    From when men where men, mostly:

  4. Chas Says:

    Pardon the cheap beer. Get vodka next time.

  5. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    “The answer to bad guns is more guns.”

    Michael Wayne Godwin

    (I think, I read it on Wikipedia)

  6. Chas Says:

    Manson has a swastika between his eyes, not a bullet hole. That’s an issue.

  7. Lyle Says:

    “Guns stop mass murderers”

    And therefore, by extension, gun free zones facilitate mass murder.

    Sooner or later there will be a criminal law case over this. 18 USC 242. “Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law” carries a possible death penalty.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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