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Journalism: Majority oppose gun control

At CNN a a poll shows that. In other news, a CNN poll only gets about 1,700 votes? That’s the real story.

11 Responses to “Journalism: Majority oppose gun control”

  1. JTC Says:

    And about 1000 of those from Tam’s link at about 11:15 a.m. Turned that sucker right around too, if you check the running totals in her comments. That’s good, but it does speak to the value of polls, doesn’t it?

  2. The Jack Says:

    In that case it speaks even more to the decline of CNN’s eyeballs.

    Though if I recall Instapundit pointed out that he was only an order of magnitude lower in traffic than the NYT, and that Powerline was about 13X lower.

    Course… the NYT doesn’t have under 13 times the overhead…

  3. Austrian Anarchy Says:

    I call shenanigans. That is at least twice as many viewers as they have all month!

  4. Critter Says:

    I helped. 🙂

  5. jefferson101 Says:

    I cheated and hit it twice, once from home and once from here at work.

    I guess I really shouldn’t do that, because they’ll use the extra hits on the site to claim more viewership and get more ad revenue. I don’t want them to make money.

  6. Chris Says:

    Basically, CNN polled all of its prime time viewers.

  7. bob r Says:

    When I hit the poll it was 2 to 1 the other way. As JTC said, a good bit of the “votes” probably came by way of Tam.

  8. The Jack Says:

    Bob, that Tam (or as one commenter on her site postulated 4chan’s Gun Board) can swamp and sway CNN’s front page pole says more about CNN’s traffic/engagement than anything else.

  9. Ron W Says:

    Maybe people are catching on that when some crazed perp shoots some people in a gun-free zone, it ain’t somebody else’s fault and their rights are NOT to be violated.

  10. Thirdpower Says:

    Pretty strong evidence that CNN isn’t counting most of the ‘No’ votes. This poll was linked in a bunch of places, TTAG, Tam, ISRA, just to name a few, and the numbers climbed up molasses slow.

  11. Cargosquid Says:

    Still 66% against more laws.

    I may have hit it more than once.
    or twice.

    Perhaps three.

    I have trouble with math.

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