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Top 5 gun control lies

I’m surprised he narrowed it down to 5.

4 Responses to “Top 5 gun control lies”

  1. Caleb Says:

    I’d already written one 1300 word post, I didn’t have the energy for 2.

  2. MrSatyre Says:

    Would be better if he offered sources for the five rebuttals instead of just generalized comments. While you and I know that what he says is true, the formats still incredibly vague, and amounts to little more than a “nuh uh” response. For example, the gun show loophole myth could easily be shattered by citing how the documented number of illegal guns on the street or straw purchases that occurred at a gun show approaches zero.

  3. dustydog Says:

    The number one lie is that it would be practical to ban all guns.

    The number two lie is that violent criminals obey gun laws.

  4. Lyle Says:

    All of the lies you can detail fall under one big umbrella lie– The impetus behind the citizen disarmament movement is not and never has been about reducing crime or increasing safety.

    Caleb’s list (and the many others that have come before it) hints to that, if you read between the lines, but why not say it outright?

    Citizen disarmament is always for one purpose; to weaken the society in preparation for controlling it, to concentrate power into the hands of a few at the expense of the many. It is the imperative of every authoritarian. All other arguments are superfluous, and should be addressed only as a side bar.

    If the truth is too shocking or unpopular to tell in public, then in spite of the many battles we have won, we are losing the war.

    Let’s try an analogy. Someone is robbing you at gunpoint, after which he intends to kill you and rape your wife and daughter. Your primary argument is; “Wait a minute! That would only make me poorer, it would be most unpleasant, and I very much doubt it will help you truly prosper.”

    If you think that’ll work as a defense, go right ahead. Sometimes it may actually work. It doesn’t really address the heart of the matter, and yet that is the sort of argument we make most of the time in the “gun control debate” (though it isn’t a gun control debate– It’s a concentration of power debate).

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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