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SAF suing MA

Over their arbitrary requirement that handguns have load indicators. The law doesn’t define them and MA has turned down Glocks that have them.

One Response to “SAF suing MA”

  1. Daniel in Brookline Says:

    I don’t expect this to succeed, but the fight needs to be fought.

    As it is, every Massachusetts cop I’ve ever seen carries a Glock… but private citizens aren’t allowed to buy them, unless they’re already in Massachusetts legally. (Some places do a brisk business in Glocks formerly owned by police officers.)

    I continue to maintain that police should not be allowed weapons that are forbidden to the citizens they serve. If that means that Massachusetts cops would have to carry semi-autos with 10-round mags, while in New York they could only use 7-rounders, and in New Hampshire they could carry anything they want, then so be it.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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