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Welcome back, Carter

Everything old is new again.

2 Responses to “Welcome back, Carter”

  1. JTC Says:

    I’d be a lot smugger if my being perspicacious on this hadn’t foretold the waste of thousands of our fine young men and women, and zillions of our hard-earned dollars trying to mediate the centuries old hatred of various tribes of sandfleas who find concensus only on the issue of their hatred of us.

    Dubya shoulda done his little victory dance on the deck of that carrier and left it at that, except for some choice missle strikes from offshore when bin laden and his ilk popped their heads up out of their holes.

  2. mikee Says:’s Glen Reynolds has written for the past 5 years that Obama would be the worst president since Carter. He has more recently morphed that into Obama being as bad as Carter would be the best possible outcome we could hope for. And most recently, that Carter is looking pretty good in comparison to Obama.

    Carter is no longer the worst president of my lifetime, by about 6 scandals and at least several hundred dead Mexicans and a sharia-overwhelmed country or three.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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