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Live free or there

Massachusetts State Agencies Warn Motorists against Transporting Illegal Fireworks into the State.

2 Responses to “Live free or there”

  1. Veeshir Says:

    I used to live in NH.

    Every year on the news you would see the same thing.

    Masshole troopers would watch the fireworks sites and bust NY, Rhode Island, Connecticut cars on their way home through Mass, take their stuff and give them tickets to add insult to injury.

    I saw the same thing in Kenya once with pot, but the cops were bribed with $5 so the two Brits didn’t have to go to jail, Mass requires far more.

  2. mikee Says:

    SC/NC used to work that way when I was a kid living in NC. No fireworks allowed up in my hometown of Charlotte, but just over the state line you could buy all sorts of wonderful things – under the watchful eyes of NC troopers.

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