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Stop digging

Dick Metcalf becomes a useful idiot for gun control.

5 Responses to “Stop digging”

  1. Seerak Says:

    Being a pariah in gun circles, now, he’s probably just going to where the grass seems greener. He knows there’s a market for the “I was one of THEM, but I grew up/got better/know better etc.” racket.

    It’s risky, though; everybody on all sides despise Quislings, and they are always disposable to their new patrons. There’s little momentum in that gravy train.

  2. Lyle Says:

    He’ll make an excellent Progressive along the lines of TR.

    It happens to the best of us (and Dick is of course the best of us); you make it, and that gives you some advantage, and then you want to pull the ladder up and lock the door behind you so as to keep that advantage. That (and envy) is the genesis of authoritarianism.

  3. oldgeezer Says:

    I really love it when jack asses like this always say “a bunch of people have told me …” but refuse to identify them. I suspect he heard them in his dreams! Come on Dick, name some names.

  4. KevinM Says:

    Who? never heard of him

  5. Seerak Says:

    That (and envy) is the genesis of authoritarianism.

    That is the genesis of the authoritarian… but not of authoritarianism itself.

    For that you have to zero in on the impulse behind the statement “There ought to be a law”.

    Anytime anyone admits to himself the desire to override someone else’s choices because he doesn’t like them, regardless of the particulars (and so long as that initial choice was not itself of the same sort – an act of force) that is the totalitarian impulse.

    Once that impulse becomes part of the culture – when demanding that something one doesn’t like be made illegal (even something as nebulous as “being a dick”) is considered within the pale of normal political discourse – the soil is ready for the authoritarian. Go back in time and kill this particular Hitler, and another one will take his place. That culture demands it, nurtures it, and will bring it forth.

    In the opposite sort of culture, Hitler is an artist nobody ever heard of. There’s no telling how many of his ilk pass away unremarked in the history of places like America used to be.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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