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Meat is murder

And, apparently, maybe salad is too.

8 Responses to “Meat is murder”

  1. Tim Says:

    Are eggs rape?

  2. Crotalus Says:

    And what, pray tell, will these idiots have us eat?

  3. Seerak Says:

    Salads are only for murderers, cole slaw’s a fascist regime
    Don’t think that they don’t have feelings, just cause a radish can’t scream

    Carrot Juice is Murder

  4. Weer'd Beard Says:

    And here I thought the “murder” was the massive “Deforestation” of all those fields come harvest time!

    Anything that survives that will find themselves in a vast moonscape just waiting for hungry predators to turn them into poop.

    I’m not a big fan of cruelty to animals, but killing them so I can have yummy meats is just fine to me.

  5. mikee Says:

    The first time I heard an anti-meat talk was in college, in 1978. The illogical emotionalism of the present war against meat was in full swing way back then, and has not improved with the passing years.

    I will trade in my ribeye steak for an alternative the second the alternative tastes better, but not a moment sooner.

    As to the screams of radishes, they are nothing compared to the silent roar of the input to the Soylent Green factory.

  6. nk Says:

    The bonzes of Padme — especially we of the Isavest Ordainment — are sworn to altruism. We render constructive service to any living thing, and under certain circumstances to inorganic objects as well. We feel that the principle of life transcends protoplasm; and in fact has its inception with simple — or perhaps not so simple — motion. A molecule brushing past another — is this not one aspect of vitality? Why can we not conjecture consciousness in each individual molecule? Think what a ferment of thought surrounds us; imagine the resentment which conceivably arises when we tread on a clod! For this reason we bonzes move as gently as possible, and take care where we set our feet.

    (From Coup de Grace, by Jack Vance.)

  7. Grayson Says:

    Fucking Vegan hypocrites.

  8. Lyle Says:

    I’ve wondered for years when the “plant’s rights” movement would come out of the woodwork. You know it’s only a matter if time.

    Anyway, it’s been well documented for some time that many plants exhibit a similar defense strategy. It tends to keep the grazers moving, so they’re less likely to obliterate one area before moving on to the next. The grass IS always sweeter on the other side of the fence, see.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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