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Craziest things confiscated by airport security

Meh. Some are pretty interesting.

8 Responses to “Craziest things confiscated by airport security”

  1. Paul Kisling Says:

    Strangely no terrorists were found… Imagine that.

  2. emdfl Says:

    The term you wershould have used there is “stolen”, not confiscated”.

  3. rickn8or Says:

    How did anyone think they were going to get Two suitcases full of weed through screening?

  4. Standard Mischief Says:

    The last three:

    * A phone that’s secretly a flashlight?

    * A lipstick case that’s secretly a flashlight?

    * A homemade watchband from someone with strange or odd tastes? Maybe they were trying to push the TSA’s buttons with a gaudy assortment of (electrical) fuses?

    Can anyone shed any light on the those “stealth flashlights”?

  5. Beaumont Says:

    “OMG it’s a….what the heck is it?”

    “Dunno, but it looks cool. Let’s ‘confiscate’ it & sell it on EBay after we’re done fooling with it.”

  6. mikee Says:

    My flashlights, which are flashlight shaped and brightly colored so as to be findable in the dark when I need one, have never caused comment at TSA. What am I doing wrong? Making the agents feel inadequate with a 2 two D-cell Maglight?

  7. Sigivald Says:

    I like how they confiscated the grenade casing that was turned into a model fly.

    Because, you know, it’s … uh … you could seriously bruise someone if you threw it at them?

  8. Jeff Powell Says:

    I accidentally flew with a SOG Flash II on my carry on.

    I didn’t realize this until I had landed and was looking in my checked baggage for it….only to find it in the pocket of my jeans that I had in my carry on!

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