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So apparently Rolling Stone did a piece on guns

And nobody gave a fuck because it’s Rolling Stone.

12 Responses to “So apparently Rolling Stone did a piece on guns”

  1. SPQR Says:

    Also … utterly incoherent because Rolling Stone

  2. Charlie Foxtrot Says:

    I haven’t read Rolling Stone since before Keith Richards died the first time.

    Sad rag.

  3. kasper Says:

    “Additionally, the explosive that creates the energy to fire the gun occurs in the fixed shell of a shotgun rather than the metallic cartridge of a rifle.”

    Just one of many nonsensical statements…

  4. Critter Says:

    I helped, in the comments. 🙂

  5. Paul Kisling Says:

    So did I critter.

  6. JKB Says:

    It is high comedy, especially the comments.

  7. Phelps Says:

    I heard that the next thing they are going to do is their list of their favorite LotR characters:

    1. The wizard
    2. Gandalf
    3. Ringwraith
    4. Ian McKellen
    5. That guy from X-men

  8. Sigivald Says:

    I like the part where a pistol is popular because it has a “built in barrel and short stock”.

  9. Adam Lawson Says:

    The last time I saw a Rolling Stone I was in line at Blockbuster.

  10. Braden Lynch Says:

    That dirty rag can rot after what they did in making a Boston Marathon Bomber look sexy on their cover. Just plain sick and unforgivable.

    So, their content sucks and is moronic and they are in league with our enemies. Please boycott them. Please!

  11. Mita Says:

    Journalists seem to be getting paid to provide link bait. It doesn’t matter what sort of bullshit they write – it doesn’t even need to be factual – as long as it gets traffic.

    And every one of you who clicked over to the site fell for it.

  12. Maxwell Says:

    I’m saving up for the rock-music review issue of Guns & Ammo.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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