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In CO:

Lawmakers drafting the background check requirement, aimed at keeping firearms away from those with a criminal history, relied on information from a non-partisan research arm of the Legislature that predicted about 420,000 new reviews over the first two years. Accordingly, they budgeted about $3 million to the agency that conducts the checks to handle the anticipated surge of work.

But after a year of operating under the new system, Colorado Bureau of Investigations officials have performed only about 13,600 reviews considered a result of the new law — about 7 percent of the estimated first year total.

But 40% come from gun shows! Or something.

5 Responses to “Propaganda”

  1. Rivrdog Says:

    …and how much of the three mil did the State spend?

  2. Farm.Dad Says:

    Colorado already had a gunshow background check requirement and had since shortly after the Columbine shootings .

  3. divemedic Says:

    The agency has to spend all #3 million, or the budget will be cut next year. You had better believe that it will be all spent. Maybe the background check office needs its own SWAT team. Or diversity training. Or a retreat. Dachas in the woods. Or something.

  4. mikee Says:

    I had to read the whole article to understand: The new background check requirement is for private transfers.

    So what I get from this is that 13,600 folks followed the law, and the rest of the estimated 420,000 people who had private transfers just ignored the law.

    I think that interpretation is much closer to the truth than the last sentence of the article:

    “The bottom line,” he said, “is even if one, or five, or 10, or 10,000 or 20,000 people are being blocked, that’s less dangerous people walking around with guns.”

    Which ignores the possible 1,5,10, 10,000 or 20,000 people whose 2nd Amendment rights were stomped upon by the new law.

  5. Lyle Says:

    The Progressives would much rather have a strong black market, with all the gang activity that implies, same as with most recrerational drugs. The purpose is never to SOLVE a (real or imagined) problem, but to USE a problem.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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