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When you’ve lost “The View”

Even busybodies have some sense. Also, what sane person watches that and thinks the man with substantial weight and reach over her would have been deterred if he had no gun.

6 Responses to “When you’ve lost “The View””

  1. CaptDMO Says:

    How close they got to get to you w/ pepper spray?
    Yeah, about 20′ if you don’t have that feel-good keychain crap that an “inspired” attacker can sluff off.

  2. Daniel in Brookline Says:

    I’ve been saying for some time — some people are deathly afraid that, if they have a gun, they’ll misuse it, or it’ll be used against them. Others are deathly afraid of needing to defend their lives and lacking the tools to do so.

    Tell me which of those scenarios scares you more, and I’ll tell you where you stand on gun control. (I probably will have a good idea of how you vote in general.)

    Nota bene: how do people afraid of one scenario deal with the other one? Gun owners educate themselves and their families. Anti-gun folks have alarms and keep the police on speed-dial… and hope it never happens to them.

  3. Tam Says:

    I’m liking this parallel universe I woke up in.

  4. The_Jack Says:

    And interesting that Watts is going off message and going on and on about how “women shouldn’t be armed” and “you’re ten times more likely to hurt yourself if you get a gun”.

    That’s not exactly supportive of the notion that Everytown is only about Background Checks and Safe Storage.

    I mean when you go into a mass twiter huff about the evil pro-gun extermism of “The View”…

  5. kris Says:

    Why were you watching “The View” ? Are you injured? Or just really, really bored? And if it was because the topic was women and guns, great, but wrong set of females to be conversing on that subject. I’m a female. I know.

  6. Rob K Says:

    I’m given to understand Emily Miller was on the View yesterday, so that shoulda made 2 days in a row.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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