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DC asks for more time to restrict rights

Because they’re bureaucrats. I’d tell them to take all the time the want but in the interim gun carry is legal there.

2 Responses to “DC asks for more time to restrict rights”

  1. Patrick Says:

    No. Gun carry is not legal there at this time. The ruling is under a 90 day stay that expires on 22 October. During that time (or any other time that the courts offer), YOU CANNOT CARRY IN DC.

    Nor can you have anything gun-related like magazines, empty casings, rounds or anything (unless you are David Gregory).

    At best they will wait to file the requisite charges, but they will try to put you in prison for 10 years the moment they can get away with it. Do not trust the system to take care of you. Do not carry in DC unless you are willing to risk prison.

    As for the delay, they need the time to figure out what happens in the mid-terms. If the GOP wins the Congress, they can revise the DC gun laws all they want without any interference from Obama. The Congress has exclusive domain over DC in all matters, whatsoever. DC needs time to figure out of they can go MD-style may-issue (with Senate protection) or if they gotta meet with GOP approval (every law DC makes is subject to Congressional approval/veto).

    DC is not Chicago. There are a lot more pieces in motion, here.

  2. Patrick Says:

    Sorry for not closing out the bold above. Wish I could edit…

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