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What constitutes a major weapons bust in Canada


Story here.

5 Responses to “What constitutes a major weapons bust in Canada”

  1. KM Says:

    Since I don’t see any chefs knife or paring or boning knife, I’m guessing they forgot to look in the kitchen.
    What’s on the bottom left? Dangerous coins?
    I think I have that many knives thrown in the ‘I don’t use these anymore’ box.

  2. Joe A Says:

    You say “Major weapons bust”, I say “Flea Market booth #79B”.

  3. wizardpc Says:

    Did you post the wrong link? The story is about a Canadian selling suppressors, auto sears, and machine guns over the Internet.

  4. Cargosquid Says:

    My 14 year old daughter has access to more knives than that.
    In her room.

  5. Seerak Says:

    Did you post the wrong link? The story is about a Canadian selling suppressors,

    At least you got a story. On Iphone I just get a white wall.

    What’s on the bottom left? Dangerous coins?

    Those are Canadian throwing dollars. Very dangerous.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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