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New policy: this blog takes 9/11 off

Because I’m uncertain if I should be all sad and remembery or if I should be pissed because I can’t go through an airport without being finger banged. Or pissed because the job wasn’t finished.

Talk amongst yourselves.

11 Responses to “New policy: this blog takes 9/11 off”

  1. Jeffersonian Says:

    D: all of the above.

  2. Says:

    Sad day, no doubt.

  3. 2ABill Says:


  4. Paul Kisling Says:

    Yeah a sad day for Freedom…

  5. rickn8or Says:

    How about pissed off because it appears we’re going to have to start the job all over?

  6. KM Says:

    Why start over…we’ve seen this movie before.

  7. ASM826 Says:

    To KM,

    Because it wasn’t done last time. Or the time before.

    How do you deal with an enemy that want you dead because you don’t worship the same god as you? An enemy that is willing to kill you all?

    We will eventually fight this war, really fight it, or cease to exist.

  8. Renegade_Azzy Says:

    We could end this the way we ended Japan.

    The Soviets were folded because of fighting these jackwads, and now we are headed there too. Tired of working my ass off to pay my taxes, only to see friends get shoved off to another place and risk their lives (and lose their brothers).

  9. KM Says:

    Because it wasn’t done last time. Or the time before.

    Or the time before that, or the time before that…
    And this has been that going on for how many MILLENNIUMS?
    The answer is to sink more of our blood & treasure into the worlds largest anus? AYFKM?

  10. tincankilla Says:

    the only way to finish the job is genocide. but the entire strategy of OBL was to draw us into a long, drawn out generational conflict that will cost us treasure but also our very democratic institutions and the value on individual dignity and liberty that sustains them.

  11. blounttruth Says:

    Hopefully the 28 pages of redacted material will be released. In private senators say it will change the way Americans feel about our foreign policy, wonder who that implicates?

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