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White slaves

You’ll never hear about them

6 Responses to “White slaves”

  1. Ron W Says:

    The main aspect of slavery down through history was that people victimized by slavery were unarmed,disarmed and then kept that way. Anyone who wants to disarm you while they remain armed are for slavery! ONLY YOUR ENEMY WANTS YOU DISARMED

  2. mariner Says:

    1. It isn’t politically feasible to guilt-trip white people today for enslaving other white people in the past.

    2. Guilt-tripping ignorant white people for something that ended almost 150 years ago is black people’s turf; we can’t have someone else horning in on it.

    3. Indentured servitude wasn’t just a euphemism for enslavement of white people; it happened alongside outright slavery, generally to poor Englishmen and women rather than to the Irish.

    4. Frederick Douglass said in one of his speeches in Boston that as bad as black people had been treated, the Irish had been treated even worse.

  3. Rustmeister Says:

    Big problems with this. First, there is no King James IV. Not of England, anyway.James I died in 1625, James II (the other one credited for issuing the proclamation) didn’t take over till 1685.

  4. Akatsukami Says:

    Perhaps a typo for James VI? (of Scotland, a/k/a James I of England)

  5. rickn8or Says:

    Akatsukami, the article says James VI.

    (Yes, he of the “King James Version” of the Bible.)

  6. Archer Says:

    Also not mentioned in the article: name changes. Though subtle, many Irish women dropped the “O'” from their traditional and distinctively-Irish surnames (e.g. “O’Reilly” became “Reilly” or the English spelling “Riley”) because many places wouldn’t hire Irish people, often leaving brothel-work as the only available means for a “free” Irish woman to make a “living”. The iconic Western movie stereotype of the brothel-worker having curly reddish hair and freckles is not a solely-Hollywood creation.

    I might also note that Americans with Irish ancestry are generally NOT clamoring for reparations and special privileges due to the cruelty and injustice of non-Irish slave-masters of old.

    They have just as much or more “right” (and I use the word loosely in this case) to reparations as those of African descent, but only the black race hucksters are screeching about historic injustice.

    Go figure.

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