Accepting applications for concealed carry for the first time in decades. Still not good enough and will likely lose a court challenge.
Accepting applications for concealed carry for the first time in decades. Still not good enough and will likely lose a court challenge.
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October 16th, 2014 at 9:58 pm
Accepting applications for concealed carry
Accepting applications for concealed carry
Accepting applications for concealed carry
Sorry for the repeats…. I just get tickled seeing it….. IN DC. Just the thought must be making certain heads explode.
October 16th, 2014 at 10:50 pm
They’ll just have legislation like NJ, and the courts will agree that ‘justifiable need’ is hunky dory, just like they did with NJ.
DC will never see CCW.
October 17th, 2014 at 12:31 am
I’m forecasting one or two issued licenses.
That way, DC gummint can say “See? It’s not impossible! We have people licensed to carry in DC!”
October 17th, 2014 at 1:45 am
I’m betting the current judge in control of the case will slap them down. They might get the restrictions they want on appeal but initially they will be scolded for trying that sort of crap.
October 17th, 2014 at 7:56 am
It’s still a movement in the Overton Window.
Now the task is to strip out the other remaining May Issue states (Like’s being done in Cali).
As we saw witht he ruling to get carry in Illinois the courts are more receptive when these laws are isolated.
That Illinois was the only de jur No Issue state certianly helped with that ruling.
However the problem is that so many of the May Issue states are in the NE and the courts there have rubber-stamped such laws.
But just look at the resistance the courts are having even though the vast majority of the States (and US population) already live in permintless or Shall Issue.
October 17th, 2014 at 10:39 pm
Correct, Joe. I’m hoping the judge slaps DC down on the reciprocity alone.
If I’m planning a tourist-type trip there and want to carry, I’ve got to put in an application for DC Concealed Carry just like a resident. HTH am I supposed to do that if I were on the other side of the country?
But the game goes on…
October 18th, 2014 at 11:22 am
The new law is potentially more restrctive than the previous licensing provision. If they do end up granting reciprocity, be cognizant of the fact that DC juries are extremely liberal. As is the city council. They are still bickering over whether or not to release the gome addresses of permit holders
October 20th, 2014 at 10:00 am
DC is in a pickle with applications from plaintiffs. Each applicant has already conceded they do not meet the good cause requirement (per Gura’s filing with the court representing the same). But the case was argued and lost by DC over letting those persons carry in DC. The judge’s ruling made no mention of the individual needs of the plaintiffs beyond those of the general population.
DC claims that a good cause requirement satisfies Due Process because it is objective – you wither meet the requirement or you do not. If DC awards a permit to the plaintiffs, but to no other member of the same class (the general population), then DC has effectively admitted the system they set up is not truly objective. If DC does not provide a permit to the plaintiffs, then they effectively flout the ruling because it was written in order to provide plaintiffs the ability to carry.
DC is hoping Reid is still running the Senate next term. They are drawing out the clock, hoping that November goes their way. If the Dems keep the Senate, DC can obfuscate forever knowing the Congress won’t manage their little District. Of the GOP takes over, there is the possibility that the GOP will toss some read meat our way and yank home rule authority on guns. If they do that, then the appeal goes away (no standing) and the judge’s rule is law and everything the council passed is moot.
DC is special that way.