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Free speech? Not on election day

Wear your NRA hat to the polling station, and you don’t get to vote:

The courts have found that anything that suggests [or is] associated with the NRA, in many people’s perceptions, is associated with the Republican Party. So with an overabundance of caution, Mr. Cobb was asked to remove the hat so that no one could interpret that we were playing any favoritism toward one party over the other.

Oh, really?

5 Responses to “Free speech? Not on election day”

  1. Cargosquid Says:

    Here’s a shocking fact.

    That claim about courts was investigated….and no case supporting that claim was found.

    I’m wearing an NRA hat and my Freedomworks shirt. My daughter will be wearing her “Don’t Tread On Me” Navy Jack shirt.

  2. lumpy Says:

    What happens if someone wears a black beret in Detroit?

  3. comatus Says:

    “The courts have found” this? About “perceptions”?
    If Reid and Baucus don’t weigh in by tomorrow–early in the day, let’s say–there’s going to be some grade changes out on Waples Mill Road.

  4. Deaf Smith Says:

    I say the curr was lying.

    Just a Democrat shill.

  5. Windy Wilson Says:

    Hmm, that means I should have a “vote Union” ball cap to test the shills. Too late for this Election Tuesday, though.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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