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The WaPo feels the need to fact check a Saturday Night Live skit.

5 Responses to “Journalism!”

  1. Old NFO Says:

    That is pretty frikkin sad…

  2. Shrimp Says:

    When they’re forced to ‘circle the wagons’ against their own, things are getting ugly.

  3. Paul Kisling Says:

    I looked on their page and only saw 1 comment that was not derogatory and I may have just misunderstood that comment.

  4. mikee Says:

    Alinsky says to isolate, freeze and demonize/ridicule a target in the opposition.

    SNL did that.

    They also performed comedy, perhaps for the first time in years.

  5. AJ187 Says:

    SNL? Unfunny since Tina fey took over. Tina Fey being a massive anti gun liberal pushed her political agenda rather than actual humor

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