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White privilege

Means it’s OK to get mugged. Or something. Seriously, that’s the dumbest and pathetic thing I’ve ever seen.

4 Responses to “White privilege”

  1. David Says:

    Clueless people like this will be the first to be victims when civilized society further breaks down. Thereby increasing the chance of survival for the rest of us.

  2. Kasper Says:

    he probably votes as well…

  3. Ron W Says:

    And those for whom he probably votes will never do what he suggests since we pay for them to be surrounded by guns. He is willing to cast himself on the tender mercies of these robbers, but this time it worked in that he wasn’t executed to eliminate being a witness. But then I suppose this fellow wouldn’t prosecute.

  4. Jeff from DC Says:

    Hey man, given the chance those robbers would probably think “hes okay.” Check your white privledge at the door, bro. DC is such a weird place to work.

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