Archive for November, 2014

November 17, 2014

Which Gun for the Mrs.?

Man, they’ll let anybody write for Shooting Illustrated. I kid. Someone you may know has a piece there on guns for the little lady.

Policy wish lists disguised as science

Another bullshit study

Texas State Rifle Association Garand/1903 Springfield/M1 Carbine/Vintage Military/Modern Military State Championship.

Lots of pics

Why are anti-gun activists so violent?

Another day, another one wishes gun owners dead.

Obviously, a racist

State of emergency declared in MO. Gosh, I wonder why he’d do that?

Gun Porn

Texas Rangers Model 94

M&Paint. He has more M&Ps than me.

Knuckle-Duster Revolver

November 16, 2014

Registration leads to confiscation

In Buffalo, the police are wanting to show up at the homes of the recently deceased to take their guns:

A plan by police in Buffalo, N.Y., to begin confiscating the firearms of legal gun owners within days of their deaths is drawing fire from Second Amendment advocates.

The plan is legal under a longstanding, but rarely enforced state law, but gun rights advocates say, with apologies to onetime NRA spokesman Charlton Heston, it is tantamount to prying firearms – some of which may have substantial monetary or sentimental value – from the cold, dead hands of law-abiding citizens.

“They’re quick to say they’re going to take the guns,” said Tom King, president of the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association. “But they don’t tell you the law doesn’t apply to long guns, or that these families can sell [their loved one’s] pistol or apply to keep it.”

King said enforcing the state law is the latest example of authorities targeting law-abiding gun owners, while doing little to secure the streets.

Is this the protecting or the serving?

Police do active shooter drill at a middle school. Parents and students not amused:

A school resource officer — who is a known presence on campus who wears a holstered, loaded pistol — and a local police officer carrying an unloaded AR-15 went room to room, telling the teachers and students that it was a drill, Brown said.

How To Create A Food Storage Supply For $5 Per Week

News you can use

What to do about Bloomberg

Targeting the ballot initiatives could be problematic or even unwinnable, in some states. So, what to do? More from Matt.

Most popular caliber

9mm is the most common caliber traced in criminal cases

Guns and weed

A reminder that the feds still don’t think the two mix.

Naturalized citizens and guns

Volokh notes a victory in MA

Gun bubble

What happens to overly inflated industries, also happens to gun companies after a sales boom.

Tactical Wallet

Well, OK.

Shooting bullets into water

Part 3

Big Kahuna Wings Bans Guns

Heard a plug for them on the radio the other day and wanted to try them. Now, I won’t.

Gun Porn

Shanghai Municipal Police Colt 1908

So, what caliber for space?

November 14, 2014


So, instructor muzzles his own hand. Some shooting from laying down over your feet thing. Weird gun fu. Was that a hi-point? Let some guy handle a shotgun who clearly doesn’t know what he’s doing. I don’t know what a center axis relock is. Ninja crawls. And an AR with more shit on it than Jonathan Gruber.

Colt to default on loans

Papers filed with the SEC indicate they lack funds to pay their debt.

November 13, 2014

Heard around the house

My son: Do you have an extra mouse?

Me: It’s in the office, by the desktop computer, under the monitor.

Son: What’s a desktop computer?

Me: *explain*

Son: What’s a monitor?

Three dot sights

Just say no: When I am shooting, I want to see sights and not a geometry problem.

Under “investigation”

How did someone get shot in the chest with a gun holstered and pointing at the ground?

Border Patrol M4s recalled

Putting agents who are not actually allowed to patrol the border at risk. I wonder which brand of M4 is getting pulled the most. I’m betting not the Colts.

Well, duh

What is the Biggest Barrier to Innovation in US? Government, Government, and Government.

Kids and guns

When you photograph your kid with a gun, they should look like they’re being safe, had some instruction and generally know what they’re doing.

Not have them strap on a Johnny Jihad mask while fingering the trigger.

Charge the doctor with the paperwork violation. Not the gang banger.

Because, you know, the gang banger shoots back.

Coat pocket guns

Caleb discusses them. I dunno, if I can wear a big coat, I can also strap a full sized auto loader on and wear it under the coat. But drawing it may be a difficult if I’m wearing a burka.

Also, kind of pondering a revolver because reasons. But then I talk myself out of it because then I’d have to hoard another caliber.

Worked for me

“How about a nice career in accounting?”

Gun Porn

Tiny Tommy


Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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