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More of the same

The Republicans like spending lots of your money too.

16 Responses to “More of the same”

  1. Maxpwr Says:

    The budget will never be balanced, the USA will always be at war, and we’ll never end illegal immigration.

    I only vote for the party least likely to take my guns away.

  2. rickn8or Says:

    Yep. It’s pretty much that, both parties are going to take us over the cliff; one in an oxcart and one in a zero-emissions city bus.

  3. divemedic Says:

    One party takes my money and gives it away to those who won’t work and instead take advantage of the system. So does the other.
    The only differences are:
    The Dems tell me what to do with my guns.
    The Reps tell me what I can do with my penis.

  4. Kristophr Says:

    The stupid party throws away it’s only bargaining chip before they are even seated as a majority.

    This nightmare will not end until we take the Republican Party away from the retards.

  5. Lyle Says:

    Progressives with Rs after their names are little different from Progressives with Ds. Anyone who looks to the Parties to end socialism and Fascism is barking up the wrong tree.

  6. Ron W Says:


    Vote FOR candidates who support the Constitution and ALL of the Bill of Rights.

  7. Allen Says:

    How many of those can you name?

  8. Ron W Says:

    Allen, I find them but it means I have to “waste my vote”, which is what the political-media establishment tells us if we don’ t obey their “vote for the lesser of two evils” mantra.

  9. SRMC Says:

    The CRomnibus vote was the last straw for me. I changed my registration and then sent messages to my state’s delegation stating that although I’ve been Registered R for nearly two decades, a member of the Republican Lawyers Assoc., work worked for a Republican governor in his legal affairs office, and an active Federalist Society member, I’m done with the party. I then canceled my PAC auto deduct and told the PAC leaders why so they can pass the message along as well. If Boehner is going to give us the middle finger, I’ll give him two in return.

  10. Allen Says:

    I’m with you, Ron.

  11. wizardpc Says:

    divemedic: the dems want to tell you what you can do with your penis, too.

  12. Ron W Says:

    Wizardly, they have NO delegated powers for that. THAT is the reason for the Constitution and the 10th Amendment in particular.

  13. wizardpc Says:

    What’s that got to do with the price of tea in China?

  14. Ron W Says:

    Nothin, they can do what they want to in China.

  15. wizardpc Says:

    And they can want what they want here.

  16. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    In the nationals, I vote stoopid party to protect SCOTUS from the eeville party. That’s the last stand for the constitution I swear to protect from enemies foreign and domestic before we get to the fourth box (soap, ballot, jury, ammo). The Libertarians, Constitutionalists etc don’t want to win so much as to prove a point. I wish my kids could have grown up in the world I did. It was a good world. It’s so hard to watch all this happening, my eyes get all sweaty.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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