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Slow Motion PWS Long-Stroke Piston System

You can see its innards:

2 Responses to “Slow Motion PWS Long-Stroke Piston System”

  1. Will Says:

    Sure would like to see a slo-mo of the D.I. version with all the same parts, and a short-stroke piston version, too. Watching all the various parts bouncing and wobbling at different points of the cycle is edifying.

    Seeing how the cartridge feeds is somewhat shocking. I thought it would be a much smoother trip. Looks as far from a “controlled feed” as you could possibly get!

    Seeing the short barrel bend downward was a surprise. Not sure what the cause of that is. The muzzle piece might be the culprit. Need to see it without, for comparison.

    For being a straight-line action, there is a lot of energy in the vertical orientation. Hmm, that might be the feedback from the barrel-flexing routine. Where’s the engineering dept when you need them? In fact, it appears that part of the problem is that the barrel is bouncing off the front of the free-floating handguard. Needs more clearance, I’m thinking. Impact like that is not good.

    Neat video!

  2. Will Says:

    Just occurred to me that they might actually be using the barrel/handguard impact as a snub to damp out the resulting vibration of the barrel. Hmm, intentional, or accidental? Mechanical engineering can be so interesting!

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