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Republicans caving on healthcare

Our governor wants his own socialized health insurance plan for the state.

5 Responses to “Republicans caving on healthcare”

  1. oldgeezer Says:

    When I was a state representative in another state, I remember we were all laughing at Tennessee because of Tencare. Tennessee was going broke trying to fund it and now your “Republican” governor is trying to out liberal the liberals. Too funny for words.

  2. Ryan Gill Says:

    At least at the state level it’s in keeping with the powers reserved by the states, assuming their constitutions allow for it….

  3. Ron W Says:

    Good point, Ryan. In the words of the chief wordsmith of the Constitution, James Madison, “the powers delegated to the Federal Gov’t are FEW AND DEFINED”. The Feds have NOT been delegated any power from the people and the states for healthcare.

  4. mikee Says:

    Ron W, don’t try asking Nancy Pelosi if she agrees with you. You’ll get “general welfared” right out of her office.

  5. Stacey Campfield Says:

    Haslobama care

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