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Ruger 10 22 stock Cherry AK style

The things you see on Etsy:


8 Responses to “Ruger 10 22 stock Cherry AK style”

  1. JMB Says:

    It’s not “lament wood”? And what the heck is a “tackle” rail? Not sure I would buy anything from this genius.

  2. oldgeezer Says:

    UGLY – nuff said.

  3. David Johnson Says:

    I could do better than that, and I do my carpentry with a chainsaw. Good concept, but it be ugly!

  4. Huck Says:

    David, have you ever seen a purty AK? I sure hav’nt.

  5. mostly cajun Says:

    Uglier than a home-made booger riding on a crippled spider.


  6. wizardpc Says:

    So the scope is mounted to….wood?

  7. Matthew Carberry Says:

    I like how they traced a 6-position stock for the buttstock. All those bumps with zero purpose.

  8. kevin Says:

    they all purty….dikhaid!

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