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Purse carry

Trouble with it is if you don’t control your purse, you don’t control the gun:

A 2-year-old boy accidentally shot and killed his mother after he reached into her purse at a northern Idaho Wal-Mart and her concealed gun fired, authorities said Tuesday.


7 Responses to “Purse carry”

  1. Lyle Says:

    “Hayden is a politically conservative town of about 9,000 people just north of Coeur d’Alene in Idaho’s northern panhandle”

    Really? How often do you see “Such and such is a politically Progressive (communist-leaning) town in Northern California”? in a story about some gang violence?

    I believe that Idaho has only one panhandle, so there’d be no need to specify which one. It’s like saying “Oklahoma’s western panhandle” so as to be sure no one confuses it with Oklahoma’s eastern panhandle.

  2. Lyle Says:

    And no; purse carry is not a great idea. Worse yet is to walk away and leave your bepistoled purse with a toddler.

    That poor kid will likely be traumatized for life.

    Now I have to wonder what kind of pistol it was, and what was its carry condition, for such a young kid to be able to fire it, apparently so easily. Does that strike anyone else as odd?

  3. JAG2955 Says:

    Consider me skeptical…does a two year old have the grip/finger strength to pull the trigger on a commonly purse-carried gun?

    My bet would be on her digging in her purse, or finger-banging the gun while shopping, at least at first glance.

  4. nk Says:

    People of Walmart. There’s your problem, right there. It should be question #6 on the permit application.
    #5. Have you been confined in a mental institution within the past five years?
    #6. Have you shopped at a Walmart within the past six months?

    I think the story is full of holes too.

  5. Daniel in Brookline Says:

    I’m with Lyle. First we have to assume that the gun was loaded (reasonable assumption) with the safety off (perhaps it didn’t have one). Then we assume the trigger could be pulled by a two-year-old — which doesn’t sound right to me at all. Then we assume that this lady, with a loaded unsafetied gun on a hair-trigger in her purse, left it where the kid could get it.

    Regardless, we have a two-year-old orphan here, and a woman who did not deserve to die. That’s a tragedy. Nonetheless, something about this story doesn’t smell right to me.

  6. one-eyed Jack Says:

    A DA or SA revolver with the hammer back would do it. Jack.

  7. mikee Says:

    Until the store video shows the toddler’s involvement in this negligent discharge gunshot death, I’d not readily jump to conclusions about who pulled the trigger and how.

    Could have been the child or the woman pulling on the purse strap that triggered the firearm if it wasn’t holstered and the trigger got fouled on something.

    After the loud bang, unless the child was holding the gun, all one would see is an injured woman and the purse and the toddler and maybe a gun, if it wasn’t still in the purse.

    The devil is in the details.

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