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Every Town For Gun Safety is offering training on how to report on gun violence:

Reporting on gun violence – on individual incidents, policy shifts and polarized political debate – is a major challenge for journalists and news organizations. Every day, 86 Americans die of firearm related injuries, including nearly 12,000 murdered with guns each year – a rate 20 times higher than that of other developed countries. Nearly 100 school shootings have occurred since the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary only two years ago.

When it comes to reporting on guns, local and regional reporters bear the primary burden. They are often trapped into narrow deadline-driven beats with little time to develop expert sources, investigative angles or broader perspectives. And newsrooms and news managers are unprepared for the overwhelming, spasmodic tragedy of mass shootings. As a consequence, incidents of gun violence are too often viewed in isolation as random, inevitable tragedy rather than part of a wider phenomenon with complex causes but amenable to prevention efforts.

I’m certain it will be objective and comply with journalistic standards. Wait, those are actually mutually exclusive.

4 Responses to ““journalism””

  1. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    That’s why I call it “urinalism”. They pee on their own purported standards.

    Oh good gawd, I just went over to “Everytown’s” site and bookface for the first time, and as much as I knew those people were delusional, I am actually ashamed to be in the next city over from Shannon Watts. I feel like I need a shower now. Eww.

  2. Matthew Carberry Says:

    I thought for one brief shining second that they were finally going to offer training in, you know, gun safety.

    But when it comes to education, Everytown remains abstinence only.

  3. John Richardson Says:

    Matthew wins comment of the day!

  4. Ron W Says:

    Reporting gun violence–uh, would you call the police? Or are they talking about reporting those who possess the means to defend themselves and others if necessary?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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