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Walking Dead producer doesn’t like guns on the street

Hollywood Reporter:

“I worry more about the fact that we have guns on the street here,” she said Feb. 11, speaking at Loyola Marymount University’s School of Film & Television, where she took part in the ongoing Hollywood Masters interview series. “I mean, in Australia, countries around the world where they have the same entertainment, and they don’t have the homicide rates that we do here, it’s clear that there’s another reason for it. [In] all my films, the antagonists are monsters or cyborgs, or you name it. The Walking Dead is the one [that’s] different, and I found that it’s inspired a debate about what does it mean to be human and can you justify resorting to this kind of brutality?”

And, yet, your show illustrates pretty much why people may need guns. Odd.

10 Responses to “Walking Dead producer doesn’t like guns on the street”

  1. Magus Says:

    I gave up on The Walking Dead after watching one episode due to the stupid-about-guns.

    The group was at the farm (Northern Georgia?) and they wanted more weapons. So they plan a trip back to the cop dudes station (couple hours by car away) to raid the armory. Ole cop dude drives directly there.

    1. They’re in North GA, nearly every house near them has a Bubba-Dear-Rifle, shotgun, and compound bow along with handguns and ammo.

    2. There’s a shitload of pawn shops and sporting goods stores, if not in the local area, then for sure on the way to ole cop dudes station.

    3. After passing several thousand houses (most if not all having the aforementioned hunting implements), pawn shops, and sporting goods stores they arrive at cop dude’s station to find the armory empty. Cop dude makes the comment they can get a shotgun from sumdude’s bar, he knows it’s there because he “signed the permit”. (PERMIT?!? this is GA, there ain’t no such animal as a gun permit.)

    I’m sure The Walking Dead has awesome drama and great interactions between the characters. However, the devil is in the details and it got almost every one wrong in that one episode. Can’t speak for any others, but, I had no interest in watching another Hollywood-gets-it-wrong-about-guns TV show.

  2. Cargosquid Says:

    The show is good for surviving the upcoming zombie apocalypse! Just do the OPPOSITE of what they do.

    I’m still wondering if “Rick” has ever actually fired a .357 magnum.

    Because if he did, he wouldn’t be holding that prop like that.

    Its enjoyable. I mean..if you can accept zombies, you can accept that they are terminally stupid but protected by plot armor.

    The last episode has them running out of water. They are on a backroad. On the east part of the country that means that they are within 5 miles of a house at any given moment. It isn’t a wilderness.
    Every home has a water heater filled with water.

  3. Deaf Smith Says:

    What I find strange is since zombies have no learning curve why don’t they just go to a cliff and put up some fresh meat. Zombies should all walk along like lemmings and go right over the edge.

    Simple, no?

    But it’s a show, and the actors just mouth words and don’t believe a thing of what they say. And that is why sometimes they have a bit of anti-gun stuff in that show.

    And while countries like Australia and UK have less ‘gun deaths’, they have far more other types of crime, and they do definitely have murders, by many means.

  4. Bram Says:

    I walk and drive on the streets all the time and hardly ever find guns there. I have to buy mine.

  5. MrSatyre Says:

    @ Magus and everyone else: Is The Walking Dead the perfect zombie apocalypse show? If you stop thinking about what YOU would do in any SHTF scenario, then yes, it probably is. Why? Because 99.9% of humanity is unprepared for any type of disaster. They lack your training or even basic reading skills—and most importantly—the desire to read and absorb and learn by example what happens to people when they are unprepared and what to do to safeguard themselves and others for future catastrophes. So, this particular show is about everyday folks who are entirely clueless. That includes law enforcement officers, who we all know can be even worse trained or prepared than even the most casual gun or survival nut.

    So when we see Rick limp-wristing his .357, and everyone else tea-cupping or chicken-winging their assorted firearms, or passing by golden opportunities, or falling for offers for help by suspicious strangers, and learning the hard way on how to survive, it makes you mad because you know better. But again, you’re smarter than the average bear. At least as far as survival goes. 😉 But for the rest of TV viewers, it’s exciting precisely because of their lack of understanding of the basics.

    I’m just as guilty as anyone here for cringing at the many flaws in the show, but they aren’t flaws in the story. They are flaws in real people who shrugged and said “Not my problem” back before the SHTF and everything was peachy.

  6. DocMerlin Says:

    It was pretty obvious from the show that he didn’t like guns. They should have been covered in ammo… I mean seriously georgia, there are as many guns as people. In rural georgia, you can find lots of ammo, then you get somewhere safe and you start killing zombies. It might not work in atlanta, because of the zombie density… but killing a few thousand slow moving zombies with modern weapons isn’t that hard.

  7. Huck Says:

    “I had no interest in watching another Hollywood-gets-it-wrong-about-guns TV show.”

    Has there ever been a Hollywood-gets-it-right TV show or movie about guns?

  8. Magus Says:

    Has there ever been a Hollywood-gets-it-right TV show or movie about guns?

    About guns or has guns in it?

    I wasn’t even talking about gun handling. I was talking about general knowledge of the availability of guns. According to The Walking Dead (or what I’ve seen of it) the only place to get guns was from a government armory (police in this case) and the location of ‘civilian’ guns was known because “permits!”.

    If you want to talk about gun handling in TV and movies, many have decent to excellent handling. Not all are 100% accurate 100% of the time. Then again, nobody is 100% all the time. Even our vaunted host here at sayuncle has had a negligent discharge.

    Then again, there’s many shows/movies with risible (thanks Scalia) gun handling.

    On the whole though, I’d say most modern cop shows have decent handling–point in safe direction, keep finger off trigger, don’t sweep partner–and the ‘stoooopid’ factor is low.

    Most movies on the other hand aren’t even remotely connected to reality and guns are magic wands that can do anything.

  9. Jerry Says:

    AW, shit. This is just wrong. People, where is IT. It should be RIGHT THERE. When you need it.

  10. Ron W Says:

    While guns are very prevalent in Hollywood TV and movies, they are typically cast as good in the hands of hired guns, usually government, or in the hands of villians.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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