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ATF’s ammo ban

ATF is moving ahead with it’s ban on M855 ammo. People are upset about it (btw, what is a gun user?)

White House Minister of Truth Josh Earnest (whose very name is an oxymoron) has said that this ban would save police lives. I wonder how many police have been shot with M855?

This may backfire on ATF and the administration as a bill has been introduced in congress to roll back ATF’s ability to regulate ammo.

11 Responses to “ATF’s ammo ban”

  1. Rich Hailey Says:

    So, since this is being done by the Executive branch, then the next executive can simply say that this law is one we will not enforce, and by the Obama precedent, it won’t be enforced.


  2. rickn8or Says:

    “Republicans WANT cops and school children massacred with hollow-point armor-piercing nuclear bullets!!”

  3. rickn8or Says:

    And Rich, I’m not convinced there will BE a “next executive.”

  4. DocMerlin Says:

    Will get vetoed unless it is attached to something Obama wants to pass.

  5. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    That’s nucular. The S is silent.

  6. MJM Says:

    I believe the purpose of this ATF sudden-interpretation-ban is just one more way to harass people who actually exercise the right to keep and bear arms. With minimal effort, they disrupted ammo demand and supply — again. If you buy, those dollars won’t go to the NRA or to a Tea Party club, or to Rand Paul or Scott Walker or any other Republican. We will horde more, stressing a manufacturing capacity that is surprisingly thin. Brass goes up. Lead goes up. And, when this gets resolved favorably, then the price will subside and some business friend of the shooter in our supply chain is going to get burned holding lots of ammo he paid too much for. An already hard-pressed small ammo seller or gun store may go under. And, it’s all by design because they know they can’t just yet pull a “Williamsburg” or a “Concord” to seize our weapons and ammo. So, the Redcoats occupying the White House lie about us, lie to us, and harass us at every turn.

  7. Crotalus Says:

    I doubt it will pass. There are too many RINOs who want gun control as badly as the Dems. And if it does pass, the Obomination will just veto it. After all, that’s HIS executive action, and he’s not gonna let anyone fuck with it.

    And I agree with Rickin8or: Obama’s likely to declare martial law, and make himself king forever and ever, amen.

  8. Ron W Says:

    Of course, a martial law declaration is UNLAWFUL for the Federal Gov’t because it has NO delegated powers for it. But then, that hasn’t stopped the government recently or for a long time. Only a State Legislature or Governor has that power according to Article IV, Section 4. As I have told family and friends, Obama is no CHANGE, only MORE. I remember it was reported when George Bush was questioned by a staffer or another official re: the Constitutionality of a certain action and he reportedly snapped, “don’t bring up the Constitution, it’s just a g– d—-d piece of paper.” That’s Obama’s thinking too, but just more so!!

  9. Jake Says:

    a bill has been introduced in congress to roll back ATF’s ability to regulate ammo.

    Which is purely symbolic, to show that the R’s are “doing something”. If it passes (which I’m not entirely certain of) it certainly won’t have enough votes to override the inevitable veto.

  10. AK™ Says:

    “It will save police lives..”

    How many cops have been shot with an AR-15? probably count the total with 2 hands since the AR-15 was introduced to the civilian market like 50 years ago.

    You know what..the cops soft body armor might stop some pistol calibers,but their head and face does not.

  11. Greg Says:

    The report from the FBI that said they have no record of a cop being killed by M855 doesn’t matter because the ATF already knew that. If you load 223 any 223 into any kind of pistol small enough to conceal say w a 3 inch barreled pistol the velocity drops to 1100 fps so if it hit the vest it wouldn’t penetrate a level III vest, but the ATF already knew that. The fact that the vests level one – three are only made to stop hand gun ammo and all rifle rounds will penetrate, so by the ATF reasoning all rifle ammo must be banned, but the ATF already knew that.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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