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CO Regular Capacity Magazine Ban

A bill to repeal it has advanced.

2 Responses to “CO Regular Capacity Magazine Ban”

  1. mikee Says:

    So the people of CO have taken a few years, lotsa effort, and millions of dollars to fix, partially, something that took about a week and some emotional public appeals to irrationality to break.

    And NY isn’t changing anything, nor is NJ, MD, IL, etc..

    The Bloomberg/Joyce method of using state legislatures to screw up gun laws is working.

  2. Publicola Says:

    It’s not quite like that. Firstly, this just made it out of a senate committee & will likely make it out of the senate. It’ll probably be killed in the house.

    It took 1 election cycle (with some preceding recalls) to split the dems hold on the legislature in a state where the dems spent years and many many millions of dollars to test their “model” for turning a state dem. That’s not counting the carrots offered by Bloomie the Hut & Biden to pass those egregious laws back in ’13.

    The Colorado GoP is in many ways even dumber than the national GoP, which is sayin’ sumfin’. If you want a real lengthy explanation, & if Unc will pardon some shameless but probably relevant self promotion, I penned a piece on what happened.

    But after the recalls here Bloomie the Hut has been focusing on referendums. We reminded them that a political price still accompanies gunowner control laws. (which was a nice piece of work considering the lackluster support the local GoP gave to the recalls). Plus, I think most gunowners here ignore the law & the sheriffs at least are refusing to enforce them, which further erodes a legislatures desire to take that election day risk.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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