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Having solved all of the country’s problems

Dems go after detergent packaging.

5 Responses to “Having solved all of the country’s problems”

  1. Linoge Says:

    Fascinating how morons never stop believing that you can legislate away stupidity.

  2. J- Says:

    Actually, this isn’t a bad idea. I work in product safety and product liability testing. There have been an incredible number (well into the thousands) of incidents where small children have bitten into or swallowed the detergent packs and have been seriously injured. To make them small, the detergent chemicals are highly concentrated. Being very alkaline, they cause chemical burns, much like drain cleaner. If you have ever ruined a shirt by getting bleach on it, and the bleach burns holes in the cloth, these detergent packs will do that to skin. Worse off is that the boxes they come in are not child proof the way medicine or drain leaner bottles are, and the bright colors make them look like candy or treats. I’m no liberal, and not much for government over reach, but these things have a history of being dangerous to small children.

  3. Linoge Says:

    And, like all chemicals, parents should be locking them up.

    This is another example of Big Nanny Government being used in the place of a well-deserved smack upside the back of the head.

  4. J- Says:

    I am getting sick and tired of that “parents should be locking them up” argument. You have obviously never lived in a cramped apartment that didn’t have a lot of cabinet space, or had a 10 month old while working, or let your 10 month old stay with a relative, or be so poor that you couldn’t baby proof your place. Things fall through the cracks. Child resistant packaging is already mandated on medication. Bleach, drain cleaner, dishwasher detergent, paint thinners and organic solvents, already come in child resistant containers. Look around your house for every bottle that has a “pinch/push down to open” lid on it. Tell me how adding detergent packs to that list is the death knell of freedom.

  5. Crawler Says:

    As long as there are stupid parents/people, there will be progressives in D.C. taking advantage of the stupidity and enacting legislation to mandate how those stupid parents should raise their children or how stupid people will conduct their lives.

    Unfortunately, the progressive legislation infringes on the liberties and freedoms of the majority of those with common sense and who know better.

    This needs to change…and tomorrow wouldn’t be soon enough for me.

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