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Chris Christie once attacked an election opponent for supporting gun rights

Chris Christie on guns: NJ gun laws aren’t my fault. Give me a Republican legislature.

5 Responses to “Chris Christie once attacked an election opponent for supporting gun rights”

  1. Pete Says:

    He is so full of shit.

  2. Paul Kisling Says:

    Its called a VETO NITWIT!

  3. Bram Says:

    Yep. I voted for Steve Lonegan who actually believes in gun rights.

  4. JohnnyIShootStuff Says:

    So Christie should use his pardon powers and start issuing them like candy. How about starting with a pardon for Brian Aitken and then one for Steffon Josey-Davis. Come one Chris, send a message to prosecutors, judges and the legislature.

  5. Metulj Says:

    Well, crime is so non-existent in my NJ township, I just assumed it was because everyone had a gun. I am gutted now.

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