Archive for March, 2015

March 05, 2015

Secure your gun

And a case against off body carry:

A building contractor who is renovating rooms at Extended Stay Suites in Columbia told police a pistol was stolen from his toolbox.

The contractor, Donnie Rosenbaum, said an unloaded Keltic .380-caliber pistol was in his unsecured toolbox in his room at the motel on Nashville Highway, according to a Columbia Police Department report. Rosenbaum’s son said he saw one of Rosenbaum’s employees take the handgun because Rosenbaum’s 13-year-old nephew was present and he did not want the teen having access to it.

nananananana batman

Grappling hooks shotgun:

Shoot until the threat stops

Murder charge stems from number of shots fired

Wookiee on wookiee

Pretty much this explains why I pay taxes. Only the inconvenience in that case is men with guns will come jail me or shoot me if I don’t pay up.

Gun Porn

Beretta APX pre-release full-feature walk-through

BSA Prototype .45ACP Pistol

The .700 WTF Cartridge

March 04, 2015

But they passed the SAFE act

Murder in NYC is up 20%

Federal background check bill rises from the ashes

This time, it’s bipartisan. Claims to close the gun show loophole. Of course, loophole is code for ‘there ought to be a law’:

A loophole in the federal system currently allows people to buy firearms sold online and at gun shows without first passing a background check.

That statement is absolutely false.

Ammo vending machine


Well, they have to mislead or they can’t win

Bloomberg’s Amazingly Inaccurate Ad to Keep Areas Gun-Free Zones. Because, you know, a criminal will make sure they follow that law.

The case for Kydex

I’ve mentioned this before but a reader sent it to me again. But leather holsters can wear out and become dangerous.


Bills to repeal parts of the SAFE act. They can’t get the votes to repeal all of it.

Been that way for a while

The rule of law is dead.

Secure your guns

Tragic: 3-year-old shoots toddler brother in head

Please don’t suck

But changing the title to a stupid names seems to indicate it might. And I still remember Starship Troopers. But someone is making a movie based on The Moon is a Harsh Mistress.

NRA Annual Meeting

I’ll be there. And so will a lot of potential presidential candidates.

Do you want to shoot a snowman?

Operator princess

Gun Porn

Dafuk? Hinge action 1911

20 shot Mauser.

March 03, 2015

Fraternal Order of Police says ammo Obama wants banned doesn’t affect police

So, the White House is lying:

“Any ammunition is of concern to police in the wrong hands, but this specific round has historically not posed a law enforcement problem,” said James Pasco, executive director of the Washington office of the Fraternal Order of Police, the world’s largest organization of sworn law enforcement officers, with more than 325,000 members.


Court denies stay in Mance

Reports David Hardy

How many water balloons does it take to stop a bullet?

I, terrorist

The 72 Types Of Americans That Are Considered “Potential Terrorists” In Official Government Documents

Hmm, something is missing.

Pretty cool idea

Ms. Clean the magazine shaped AR-15 cleaning kit.


Let’s hip fire a 20mm gun:

Can you glue your AK closed?

Well, OK

Constitutional scholar

Obama “Very Interested” In Raising Taxes Through Executive Action

And what about the states that have it?

The WaPo is clutching its pearls because constitutional carry is on the rise. Do the states that already have it show an increase in crime?

Gun Porn

M1907/12 Schwarzlose HMG

Teenager with metal detector finds IRA weapons

March 02, 2015

Live free or there

In Massachusetts:

The Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts rules that a stun gun is a “dangerous and unusual” weapons, and thus not protected by the Second Amendment, so banning them is fine.

Given that police are issued tasers, I’d say that qualifies as “in common use”

Non gun deaths

Murders not involving a gun are A-OK

The second amendment is necessary now

Well, yeah. While there may not be an existential threat, we’re better off having the 2A in case of Sudden Jihad Syndrome.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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