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Where are they hiding Bill?

I would say “awkward” characterizes her entire campaign launch. That, and fake.

6 Responses to “Where are they hiding Bill?”

  1. MJM Says:

    Can you imagine the clown-like atmosphere with Bill Clinton back in the White House?

  2. MJM Says:

    Can you imagine the clown-like atmosphere with Bill Clinton back in the White House? Hide the interns.

  3. Magus Says:

    Hillary for Prison, not President.

  4. TriggerFinger Says:

    Where are they hiding Bill? I hear he’s a big fan of a certain tropical island.

  5. JTC Says:

    Give me clown Billz and hide beast Hillz any day.

  6. I,B, BLACKMAN Says:

    que the benny hill music

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