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CNN anchor and democrat (but I repeat myself) Chris Cuomo says the constitution doesn’t protect hate speech.

9 Responses to ““journalism””

  1. Tirno Says:

    Hey, hey, hey, HEY-HEY-HEY!

    It is absolutely not true that all CNN anchors are automatically Democrats.

    The rest of them are Communists/Marxists/Socialists/other finely and narrowly differentiated forms of totalitarian collectivists.

    Also, lowercase-d democrat has a fairly objective meaning that you can find in a dictionary, which has almost, but not quite, no relationship to the positions that a capital-D Democrat holds.

  2. Mycroft Says:

    Remember when Liberals supported Free Speech?
    Piss Christ?
    Elephant Dung Madonna?
    Larry Flynt (He even got a major motion picture)?
    me neither.

  3. SPM Says:

    Cuomo, is a hack. The reason we have a 1st amendment is so we do not go to prison for saying things others don’t like. Having said that. Cuomo, go out side and play hide and go **** yourself.

  4. HL Says:

    A bigger hoot is that progs like him narrowly define hate speech as the “criticism” of their political allies by their political opponents.

    Also, they believe anything they do is “speech” whereas anything we do is a violation of their civil rights.

  5. MAJMike Says:

    He’s as much a constitutional scholar as Barry Soetoro.

    I suspect that he doesn’t know that our rights are granted to us by God and that Government derives its powers from the People.

    Basic stuff I taught in my high school History classes.

  6. mikee Says:

    Can’t we all just get along?

    Nah – I’m kidding. My momma told me back when I was but a wee sprog that anybody saying I couldn’t live, or say, or think, the way I wanted to, should first cause me to place a hand on my wallet and next inspire in me the urge to kick their butt.

  7. Divemedic Says:

    But he is right in application. The government and the courts have found a nifty way around the limits of the Constitution: allow individuals to sue one another to win themselves large sums of money to enforce laws that would fall afoul of the Constitution if they were criminal laws. For example:
    1 Call someone the ‘N’ word. It was used by OJ’s defense team to disparage a cop for once uttering the word, thus proving that hate speech is more villainous than murder.
    2 Call a woman a slut, after she sleeps around with coworkers, and she will threaten to file a sexual harassment suit, which will cause you to be fired.

    I’m sure you can think of more examples.

  8. HL Says:

    Hey MAJMike,

    Here is a story for you:

  9. JKB Says:

    You left out that he is credentialed by Fordham law school and has a law license. The latter apparently somewhere where they don’t set the Law Bar to high.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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