Oregon governor makes private transfers illegal
The second state to recently go down the road of criminalizing “here, hold my gun while I cross this fence”
The second state to recently go down the road of criminalizing “here, hold my gun while I cross this fence”
Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.
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May 12th, 2015 at 8:25 pm
Our CBS affiliate, KOIN, is running a poll on the bloomberg idiocy. Right now, the “No” (don’t like the law) is running at 88+ %….
May 12th, 2015 at 8:27 pm
…but these are the same (D) leges who, when Oregon’s version of the California Low Carbon Fuel Standard was being investigated by the Feds AND the State as being a Greenscam money pipeline from Kalifornicator Tom Steyer to the Democrats, passed the law anyway…
May 12th, 2015 at 9:12 pm
Ironically, California is now the most lax state in the continental west coast on gun transfer laws. We get a whole 30 days before becoming a criminal.
Also, I’d have to double check to be certain, but I believe Oregon has an exemption for temporary transfers that only occur in the presence of the gun’s owner (unlike Washington). So you can let someone hold your gun to cross a fence, but it is still a crime to loan someone a gun to go hunting without you (for all practical purposes). And it is still a crime to let a friend borrow a gun for self-defense, unless of course you happen to be there when your friend is being attacked and you throw them a gun at the exact moment when deadly force is justified, and they immediately give you back the gun when the threat is subsided. Happens all the time.
May 13th, 2015 at 2:49 pm
While I think it’s a stupid law, TS is right.
Temporary transfers in the presence of the owner, and especially while doing any sort of hunting or target shooting, are explicitly exempted in the Oregon statute.
So “hold my gun while I cross this fence” would fortunately not be criminalized by the stupid law.
May 13th, 2015 at 4:33 pm
Are temporary transfers not criminalized, or is participation in hunting or target shooting an affirmative defense to the charge of illegal transfers?
Because there are police and DA’s who love nothing more than charging, arresting, trying and then losing cases to “send a message” to the community, and to chill the exercise of 2nd Amendment rights.
“Traveling” with a loaded firearm in the car was decriminalized in TX years ago, in that being a traveler was an affirmative defense to illegal carry of a gun in your car. Houston DA still had city police arrest every out of towner with a gun in the car, and let them go through the trial, to show their innocence. That law got changed a few years back and is much less abused now.
May 13th, 2015 at 4:50 pm
I live way out on the east side of Oregon. Sheriff isn’t going to be able to enforce this law. 3500 sq miles, and 15 deputies. The one I asked just laughed.
What are they going to do? Post someone at the range near me to watch? The one’s I’ve shot with would be more likely to borrow my 1911, and let me shoot their rifles, than try to enforce this.
As for me.. I’m going with the people of Connecticut and just doing what they did.