Archive for May, 2015

May 12, 2015

Everyone who is not a democrat is in a hate group

Isn’t the SPLC like two guys in a basement who take money from democrats to call everyone not a democrat a hate group?

May 11, 2015

News you can use

Shooter Self-Care: Providing Lifesaving Care

Punishing your enemies

Calls to turn weaponized IRS on NRA. Well, it seems like this administration has turned the IRS on other of its enemies.

Then no one should carry Glocks

Bob says the police shouldn’t carry Glocks because Glocks fire when the trigger is pulled. Like it’s suppose to work. This is not a hardware problem. It’s a software problem. The police should be trained better to avoid cases of Glock leg. Via Glenn, who has more as do several hundred of his readers.


Not a fan of Fiorina but this is pretty smart and bad ass on her part.

What caliber for pooch?

Dog eats 23 308 rounds

I’d seriously consider just staying home

So, it turns out that George Zimmerman was involved in another shooting. Only this time, he was shot in a road rage incident.

Gun Porn

Boomershoot 2015 pics

Beer can mortar

May 07, 2015

Customer Loyalty

Or why I (and you should) buy concrete from Lambcon:


Will Smith gets his training on, shooting AR15

And a likely reason why?

And if your car keys don’t work, you can always pee on yourself

Stupid self defense tips captured in photos. Ladies, buy a weapon. Preferably a gun.

Fed court rules mass collection of phone metadata illegal

Sadly, they don’t rule it unconstitutional.

I’m sure none of it made to someone’s home

City audit finds police ammo missing

I look forward to the lawsuit

Despite Tennessee’s recent preemption of banning guns in parks, Nashville and Memphis are looking to ban them anyway.


Robber tells man to drop pants. Gets killed.

Gun Porn

Do want. Mossberg Maverick HS12

Cute and competent

3D printed AR15 handguard

May 06, 2015

ISIS says they’re here

71 “soldiers” in the US and they name 5 states.

Build a cardboard gun that shoots paper

This is pretty cool

Chicago denying gun permits to black people

Well, at least one. I’m sure there are more. And people are suing the city over it.


How to make a pen sized air gun


CNN anchor and democrat (but I repeat myself) Chris Cuomo says the constitution doesn’t protect hate speech.

The NRA and Tennessee

Interesting bit on their reach and influence here. Also, it notes that the other gun groups here aren’t as effective.

Forcing them to do your work

Google relieved of duty to search for relevant evidence in executing search warrant. Good. Google argued that they’re not the ones who should be doing law enforcement work.

SAF takes on 3D guns


The Second Amendment Foundation today joined Defense Distributed of Austin, Texas, in filing a federal lawsuit against Secretary of State John Kerry, the Department of State and other federal officials, seeking to stop the Government’s unconstitutional censorship of information related to the three-dimensional printing of arms. The complaint was filed in U.S. District Court – Western District of Texas.

Gun Porn

Today on “Dumb guns I want”

Retro ARs

The Most Beautiful Sharps in the World


May 05, 2015

Bill to send surplus 1911s to CMP

Excellent idea and I’ll take two:

The plan involves moving the weapons to the Civilian Marksmanship Program, which includes its facility in Anniston.

Congressman Rogers says it’s a win-win because the pistols are placed in very capable hands at the Civilian Marksmanship Program and it also saves taxpayers roughly $200,000 per year.

The M1911A1 pistol was once the standard sidearm for U.S. armed forces. Rogers says a little over 8,000 of the 100,000 pistols were sold to law enforcement and transferred to foreign countries for a small price. The rest are in storage.

The CMP will inspect, grade, and prepare the pistols to be sold. It will also reimburse the Army for any costs associated with moving the firearms.

Know your enemy

Bad Apple Lawyers – The Theorist


Governor signs lifetime permits! However, looking at the pricing structure, it doesn’t appear to be worth the cost.

Also, Haslam signed a bill prohibiting state cooperation with the enforcement of federal gun laws.

In Oregon

Seems to be going the way of Washington and banning private transfers.

Uhm, why?

ISIS claims responsibility for failed terror attack in Texas. I wonder why they’d do that? By my count, the score of Cowboys and Terrorists is 2-0.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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