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First and second

Oh, goody. Nazis at the gun show. If your gun show allows this, I will not attend your gun show. Though, given decent odds, my money is on ATF employee.

17 Responses to “First and second”

  1. wizardpc Says:

    We also had a guy this weekend that was well over the gray area line.

  2. Tam Says:

    Employee? Probably not.

    Sumdood stoolin’ to stay out of jail? I wouldn’t bet against it.

  3. Ken in NH Says:

    Yeah, given the information at hand, I’m leaning towards trolling feds.

    A few years ago, I was at a small show with my family in Tombstone, AZ. In the back corner of a smaller show room was booth set up with WWII toys (tanks and action figures) and Nazi memorabilia (that I assumed was actual artifacts and not new stuff). It looked OK as I did not see any recruiting materials. As my kids passed by though, the proprietor started commenting on my kids having blonde hair and blue eyes. I issued a curt “thank you” and led them away.

  4. JohnnyIShootStuff Says:

    Yep, pretty much why I don’t go to gun shows. Skinheads, stinky old men, and road kill jerky. No thanks, I’d rather go shooting and shop from the comfort of my Hermen Miller.

  5. JTC Says:

    Withholding your patronage is your prerogative, but “If your gun show *allows* this…”?

    That slope right there is a regular slip ‘n slide.

  6. Anon Says:

    These dudes have been cliches at gun shows for years. I thought we’d finally gotten rid of them all.

    The Nations Gun Show in Virginia, once upon a time, had those so-called “memorabilia” collectors there doing the same. I have not seen them in years and doubt the crazy people suddenly got treatment. My guess is they are bad for business and were banned by a management that sees a diverse shopping crowd that might not like Nazi wares in their face.

    Which is the way this should be. Telling show management you don’t want to go to their show because they rent space to fans of genocidal mass murdering war criminals is not a slippery slope. It’s called liberty, and I’ll it any day.

  7. Ron W Says:

    Crazy! Since Nazis were gun control freaks ( like what we have emanating from Washington, D.C.) I wonder what they’re doing at gun shows….except for historical artifacts and such.

  8. The_Jack Says:

    Also given the… nature of his wares, especially the bag-o-fertilizer, I would not be shocked if there was a bit of a fishing trip going on.

    Be twisted if the organizers wanted to kick this twit, but his patrons gave them a quiet word because that’d spoil their “sting”.

    But that’s all supposition.

  9. The_Jack Says:

    I also wouldn’t be shocked if he were *just* a Nazi who did a bit of stoolin’ on the side.

    And that this ‘entrepreneurship’ were his own idea.

  10. DocMerlin Says:

    Yah, sounds like someone stooling for the feds.

  11. JTC Says:

    Note the post title, “First and Second”.

    Can’t have one without the other.

    They are inextricably intertwined, regardless of the context, regardless of the message, regardless of the method.

  12. wizardpc Says:

    Telling show management you don’t want to go to their show because they rent space to fans of genocidal mass murdering war criminals is not a slippery slope.

    No, but it IS islamophobic.

  13. Sigivald Says:

    JTC: The government has no business telling people who can and cannot have a table at a gun show (with very, very limited exceptions for, say, convicted frauds who might be prohibited as part of probation terms).

    The show’s operators are not the state, and both can and quite possibly should be pressured into a “no stinking Nazis” policy.

    A gun show is a private for-profit endeavor, and does not have to be viewpoint-neutral, either legally or morally.

    This is especially true for political message reasons; giving any ammunition to the “gun nuts is all closet nassies!” people is a pointless own-goal.

  14. JTC Says:

    Sigivald, everything you say is correct as to pure capitalism being transactions between private parties with the implied “right to refuse service to anyone”.

    But many (most) shows are held in public venues. As despicable as nastyism and its proponents are, attempts to restrain speech or trade are subjective and open to 1A claims, suits, etc., always a bad precedent with gov involved, creating the dangerously slippery footing I referenced, especially if there is a nefarious gov plant connection as others speculated.

    They are not alone in their stupid at most shows these days; many attendees have the potential for us to be found guilty by association by those who are intent on that. And while everything is always a matter of degree, better to allow them all to be the laughingstock they are; they are their own worst enemies, and allowing them to self-destruct removes the precedent that could hoist us with our own petard and result in invoking the law of unintended consequences.

  15. Jeffersonian Says:

    OK. Many WWII vets brought back war reperations. Those gents are passing at a tremendous rate. Their spouses have no idea the value ( or apparently pc unvalue) of these items. One thing you can’t fault the 3rd Reich for is is quality. So they sell these items at yard sales or estate sales. Many folk do value these items for their historical value if nothing else. I don’t but many do. Lay off. Just because you find a particular history interesting doesnt mean you agree with their viewpoint.

  16. Tam Says:


    Not what we’re talking about, dude.

  17. Andrew Says:

    I go to Wannemachers Gun Show once a year. I haven’t seen these guys even. Must be something you East coasters have to deal with.

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